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just stopping smoking her face is prematurely wrinkled, though she is only 22 years old, and her body is covered with tough, shriveled skin which usually emerges from the old. it seems that she has difficulty breathing and climbing a flight of stairs without coughing and gasping for air. full-tasting smell is lingering in the house. inside her living room, countless cigarettes are on the floor showing how frequently the woman smokes. with her stained teeth, her clothes and hair reek of cigarette smoke, which forms a natural gap between her and other people. the foregoing description can be a reality for most smokers as smoking poses a severe threat to lung and heart. it is universally acknowledged that cigarettes can be detrimental to those addicts, as well as second-smokers and have been the leading cause of death throughout the world. for one thing, puffing on cigarettes hinders them for health, which is clearly demonstrated in their throat irritation, dizziness, nausea and continuous cough. more severely, it is smoking that ?°pave the way?± for miscarriage, cancer and sudden infant death syndrome. for another, smoking can dwarf those of outstanding conspicuously, it boils down to one point: hazards of smoking. therefore, to stop smoking is just around the corner which should start a nationwide campaign to fight against it. for those smoking addicts, they should take pains to quit smoking step by step and aspire to say ?°no?± to tobacco. as for these nonsmokers, never should they be sympathy with smoking. meanwhile, it?ˉs time to be a responsible monitor restraining smokers from frequent smoking. tunnel. both smokers and nonsmokers should shoulder the responsibility of quitting smoking. a nationwide effort to reduce tobacco ought to be taken urgently.?a?t£o???ì3?òéêé ?×°?μ?í?ê???£o ?°?ü?ìóDo|???μ?±ê?è?è?ààμ?12ê??£???§?ò???-1yé?è??D??·¢??£?3¤?ú?ü?ì??μ?·?°?·¢2??ê±è2??ü?ì????20±?£?oí°?·¢2??ê??10±?£???1ü?×·¢2??ê??8±??£±??ˉ?ü?ìμ??£o|?ü′ó£???ìì???ù1D?ê±μ?±??ˉ?ü?ì?í×?ò?



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