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Task One Before you learn this new lesson , try to visit the following web-site to get some background information with the help of your partner. Purdue University Medicine and Science in Sport and Exercises Digestive system /health/digest/pubs/digesyst/newdiges.htm. Blood protein level http://www.studentcentral.co.uk/corsework/essays/885.html Vitamin C /vitamin-c.htm. Part I (Paras. 1-3) Exercise, even moderate exercise, may lead to reduced iron in the blood of women. Learn the following new words : Endurance ( Para 1) Moderate (Para 1) Evidence (Para 2) Consume ( Para 3) Supplement (Para 3) Bounce back (Para 3) (cooperate with your partner and try to find them in your textbook , then make sentences .) Detailed study of this part 1. That endurance athletes, particularly females, frequently have iron deficiencies Meaning : that athletes such as long distances runner, especially woman athletes,often show a lack of iron. endurance test beyond / past endurance 2.Even moderate exercises may lead to reduced iron in the blood of women. 事故发生时,该车正以中速行驶。 At the time of the accident ,the car was traveling at a moderate speed. 3.Or took iron supplements were able to bounce back, n 1) a pill or a special kind of food that one eats in order to improve one’s health or diet For example : a multiple vitamin and mineral supplement .(复合维他命及矿物质补剂) 2)an additional written part, at the end of a book or as a separate part of a newspaper,magazine,etc. For example: a special supplement to a monthly financial magazine. (一份金融月刊的特别增刊) V make additions to 除了工作外,他们还干些零活,以补充收入。 They are doing extra jobs outside their regular ones to supplement their income. Part II (Paras. 4-6) This part is about the causes for both iron deficiency among women in general and more serious deficiency among active women. Discuss: four causes? 1.Learn the following new words respectively ratio Up to
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