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;;The best part of this world is never ceased to search for the best of yourself. 世界上最好的事情就是不停寻找最好的自己。 You dont need anyones permission to make something great. The most extraordinary accomplishment of this life is that, in seventies, I would still believe in what I believed in my seventeen. 这一生最大的成就是到70岁我仍然相信着 17岁时相信的那些事。;;;;/ ;;L1 BBC:Ancient Egyptions古代埃及人(2004) BBC: Pompeii: Life.and Death in a Roman Town庞贝古城的存亡 (2010) BBC.Lost Treasures of the Ancient World: The Seven Wonders / BBC-失落的远古瑰宝-七大奇迹 L1/L2/L7/ L26 BBC David Attenboroughs First Life生命的起源(2010) L2/L7/L26 BBC - Museum Of Life BBC - 生命博物馆(2010) BBC. Darwins Dangerous Idea 达尔文的危险思想(2009) BBC.Supernatural: The Unseen Powers of Animals超自然力量(1999) Microcosmos: Le peuple de lherbe微观世界(1996) L3 The Way朝圣之路(2010) Jesus: The Real Story 耶稣:真实的故事 (2008) History Channel:Clash Of The Gods 诸神之战(2009) L5 L6 L21 America: The Story of US美国:我们的故事 (2010) L6 L11 L44 L46 BBC.Great Thinkers: In Their Own Words 亲历大师 (2011) L9 The Adventure Of English 英语发展史 (2002) BBC: Treasures of the Anglo Saxons英国广播公司:盎格鲁-萨克逊的宝藏(2010);L21 How the West Was Lost / Rich Halls How the West Was Lost 迷失的西部(2008) L22 Discovery Channel: iGenius How Steve Jobs Changed the World探索频道: iGenius 史蒂夫·乔布斯是如何改变世界的 (2011) L23 Le peuple migrateur迁徙的鸟(2001) L24 BBC. What is Beauty何为美 (2011) BBC. The Impressionists Painting and Revolution 印象派.绘画与革命(2011) BBC:Vincent the Full Story BBC:文森特· 凡· 高全传(2004) Landmarks of Western Art西洋艺术史(2010) L31 BBC: Romancing the Stones Golden Ages of British英国雕塑的黄金时代(2011) L32 BBC. The End of God?: A Horizon Guide to Science and Religion / BBC:众神的黄昏——宗教与科学之争 (2010) BBC.Stephen Hawkings Universe / 斯蒂芬·霍金的宇宙(1997) BBC Renaissance Revolution BBC 文艺复兴(2010);L33 BBC Chinese School / 中国学校 (2011) L34/ L39 The Victorians-Their Story in Pictures画作中的维多利亚时代(2009) L39 BBC: In Their Own Words - British Novelists BBC:英国小说家们的自述(2010) The Themes of Shakespeare莎士比亚名剧揭秘 (1998) Shakespeare Uncovered揭秘莎士比亚 (2012) L40 BBC: Art of the Sea


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