文艺复兴-- 莎士比学科介绍课程讲述.ppt

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文艺复兴-- 莎士比学科介绍课程讲述.ppt

Shakespeare (1564-1616) ;William Shakespeare’s life ;I. Life of William Shakespeare:;1583_Susanna Shakespeare is born. 1585_The twins Judith and Hamnet Shakespeare are born. 1592 _After leaving Stratford for London, William was recognized as a successful actor, a playwright as well as a leading poet. 1594_He was a member of ‘The Chamberlain’s Men’. 1596 - Hamnet dies at the age of eleven. Shakespeare becomes a “gentleman” when the College of Heralds grants his father a coat of arms. (城市、大学)盾形徽章。;1597- He bought a large house called The Great House of New Place. 1599 - The Globe Theater is built from the pieces of The Theater in July. 1603 - The Lord Chamberlains Men became The Kings Men on May 19. 1613 - The Globe Theatre burns during a performance of Henry VII . The theatre is rebuilt, but Shakespeare retired. 1616 - April 23, in Stratford, on his 52nd birthday he died. ;The first period (1)optimism prevails in most of the works, which include histories, comedies, and poems. In them, he portrayed young people just freed from feudal fetters. He sang of their youth, love and ideals of happiness. (2).The victory of their humanist ideal is inevitable, though it is to be attained only after severe struggle against all obstacles. ;The second period Shakespeare’s optimism wanes and a strong touch of pessimism marks most of the works, which reveal the society to be an evil one. The famous four tragedies are all completed in this period. ;The third period is from 1609 to 1612. During this period, there is a /prevalent (普遍地)Christian teaching of atonement(赎罪). Shakespeare seems to have entered an imagined pastoral world. So he could achieve what he failed to do in the real world, i.e. to right the wrongs and to realize his ideals. ; Shakespeare wrote 37 plays,154 sonnets and 2 long poems. He had established his giant position and became one of the most remarkable playwrights and poets in the world. COMEDIES, HISTORIES, TRAGEDIES ,ROMANCES ,


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