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word专业整理 学习资料 整理分享 综合控制系统工程设计 题目:2Kw同步发电机励磁控制系统励磁控制器设计 院、 系: 电信院 学科专业: 电气工程及其自动化 学 生: 梅松毅 学 号: 120419111 指导教师: 曹 凯 2015年 12月 2Kw同步发电机励磁控制系统励磁控制器设计 摘要 同步发电机励磁控制系统,是同步发电机控制系统的重要组成部分,它不仅控制发电机出口端电压,而且还控制发电机无功功率,功率因数和电流等参数。同步发电机的励磁系统一般由两个部分组成。一部分用以向发电机的磁场绕组提供直流电流,以建立直流磁场,通常称之为励磁功率输出部分(功率单元)。另一部分用于在正常运行或事故时调节励磁电流,以满足运行的需要,它包括励磁调节器、强行励磁、强行减磁、和自动灭磁等,一般称之为励磁控制单元(控制单元,或通称为励磁控制器)。课程设计任务中所需设计的励磁控制器主要是针对主励磁系统为自励交流励磁机静止可控整流器励磁系统而设立。 关键词:直流电流 调节励磁电流 励磁控制单元 Design of excitation controller of 2Kw synchronous generator excitation control system Abstract Synchronous generator excitation control system is an important part of the synchronous generator control system. It not only controls outlet of generator terminal voltage, but also to control the generator reactive power, power factor and current and other parameters. The excitation system of the synchronous generator is generally composed of two parts. A portion of the field winding of the generator is provided with a DC current to establish a DC magnetic field, which is commonly referred to as the excitation power output section (power unit). Another part for normal operation or accident in the regulation of excitation current to meet the operational needs, including excitation regulator, forced excitation, the forced reduction of magnetic and automatic demagnetization etc., commonly known for excitation control unit, control unit, or commonly known as the excitation controller). Task of curriculum design in the required excitation controller design is mainly for the main excitation system for self-excited AC excitation machine static controllable rectifier excitation system and the establishment of. Key word:Direct current Adjust the excitation current Excitation control unit 目录 中文摘要 英文摘要 1 绪论……………………………………………………………………第1页 1.1 前言……………………………………………………………………第1页 1. 2 同步发电机励磁控制系统发展………………………………………第1页 1.3 课题背景………………………………………………………………第1页 1


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