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美国电视剧简介;美国电视产业简史: ;1947年5月:NBC推出了第一部直播电视剧栏目“克拉福特电视剧场”,第一部电视作品:《Double Door》 50年代:美国电视剧获得了长足的发展。当时的电视剧更像直播的舞台表演。 1956:磁带录象技术进入市场,逐渐在美国电视界被广泛采用。 60年代:电视剧基本放弃了直播形式,录制方式成为主流。 ;电视正式播出 1939年4月30日,NBC公开播放电视 ;美国电视网;;;美剧收视率;美剧的“季”与“集”;;播出时段 ;连续剧的分类;;;;;奖项: ; 电视艺术与科学学院于1946年成立,并在1949年首次颁发艾美奖。 电视艺术与科学学院现有会员大约一万人。这一万多名会员按照不同的领域被分为26个功能组别,包括:动画、艺术指导、摄影、商业、服装设计、导演、音乐、编剧等。;;;;;;常用术语:;美国经典优秀电视剧 ★The X-Files [X档案] 制作:FOX 首播:1993 播出:共9季 该剧的主题是外星人,特异功能以及种种科学不能解释的超自然现象。 ;X Files;;;;Friends;;;;24 Hours;;;CSI;;;;After engineering a daring escape from the hellish, Michaels came to Los Angeles, where his world is turned upside down when Company operative GRETCHEN/SUSAN B. ANTHONY informs him that Sara is still alive. Realizing the only way they will truly be free, Michael and Lincoln avow to find Sara and take down The Company by stealing the organizations black book. With the help of Homeland Security agent DON SELF, they assemble a group of allies and familiar faces to accomplish their task. Unfortunately for the brothers, they must also evade Company assassin WYATT and find an on-the-loose T-BAG, who unknowingly possesses a vital clue to help them pull off their most difficult challenge yet. Michael and Lincoln soon discover the only thing harder than breaking out will be breaking in. ;Prisonbreak;;;;Burn Notice;;;Ugly Betty;;;美国经典优秀电视剧 ★ Hero 英雄 制作;NBC 首播:2006 播出:2季 讲述人类自身进化出超能力的故事。;Heroes;;;美国经典优秀电视剧 ★ Fringe 迷离档案 制作;Fox 首播:2008 播出:1季 展示介于科普小说及现实间的刺激和恐怖;When an international flight lands at Bostons Logan Airport with no signs of life, FBI Special Agent OLIVIA DUNHAM is called in to investigate as part of an inter-agency task force. After her partner, Special Agent JOHN SCOTT, is nearly killed during the investigation, desperate Olivia searches frantically for someone to help, leading her to DR. WALTER BISHOP, our generations Einstein. When Olivias investigation leads to multi-billion dollar corporation Massive Dynamic and its manipulative corporate executive, NINA


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