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31 3 Vo.l 31No. 3 2011 6 JOURNAL OF EARTHQUAKE ENGINEER ING AND ENG INEERING V IBRATION Jun. 2011 : 1000- 1301( 2011) 03- 0077- 06 杜 敏, 林 玮, 郭晓云 (, 06 201) : , , : , : ; ; : G642 : A Research on input energy of structure based on equivalent SDOF system s DU M in, LIN W e,i GUO X iaoyun ( Institute ofD isaster-prevention Science and Technology, Sanhe 06 201, China) Abstract: In the elastio-p lastic seism ic analysis of amu lt-i degree-of-freedom system structure, seism ic inputmotion parameters and structure dynam ic parameters are consideredThe method of estmi ating input energy for mu lti- degree-of-freedom system structures is presented. W ith the analysis of the example, it is shown that the procedure to get the input energy dem and of mu lt-i degree-of-freedom system structures using the method based on equivalent single-degree of freedom system s is a smi ple, effective and exactmethod. K ey words: mu lt-i degree-of-freedom system; equ ivalent single-degree-of-freedom systems; input energy . ( [ 1- 3] ), , , [ 4- 6] , ( SDOFS), (MDOFS), , ( ESDOFS) (MDOFS) , : [ 7- 8] , , [ 9 - 11] , , , [ 12- 13] , : 2011- 03- 10; : 2011- 0 - 10 : ( 200902) : ( 1978- ) , , , E-m ail: dum in@ fzxy. edu. cn 78 31 1 : [M ] { x( t) } + [ C] { x( t) } + K { x ( t) } = - [M ] { x( t) } ( 1) g : { x} { x} { x } ; { x} , [M ] [ C]



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