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. .. 浅谈德育教育在小学教育教学中的重要性 旅游学院 空中乘务 12级8班 郭婉青 20121103815 【摘要】实施素质教育是迎接21世纪挑战,提高国民素质,培养跨世纪人才的战略举措。胡锦涛总书记强调“教育要以人为本,德育为先。”学校育人要先从德育开始,教师是落实育人目标的关键。培养学生成人,思想道德素养尤为重要。“学习不好是次品,身体不好是废品,心理不好是危险品,思想不好是危害品”是我们每一个教育工作者在育人工作中都应铭记的治教指南。针对小学教育教学中的德育教育谈四个方面:一、德育工作在小学教育中的实效性;二、在课堂教学中渗透德育的意义;三、小学各学科教育中对德育教育的渗透;四、在小学教育教学中渗透德育的举措。 【关键词】小学;教师;学生;德育教育;小学;教育教学 on the importance of moral education in primary school education in the teaching of li yuxiu 【abstract】the implementation of quality education is to meet the challenges of the twenty-first century, improves the national quality, cultivate strategic cross-century talents. general secretary hu jintao stressed that “education should be people-oriented, moral education first.” the school education should start from the start of moral education, the teacher is the key to implement the goal of education. adult students, ideological and moral qualities is particularly important. “learning is not good is defective, the body is not good is a waste, the psychology is not good is dangerous goods, thought not harm” every one of us is the educators in the education work should be mindful of the educational administration guide. talk about four aspects of the moral education of primary school education in the teaching of: a, the moral education in primary school education effectiveness; two, in the classroom teaching of moral significance; on moral education penetration of various disciplines in three, primary school education; four, moral education in primary school penetration initiatives in education and teaching. 【key words】primary school; teachers; students; moral education; primary school; education and teaching 《中小学德育工作规程》指出:德育是中小学素质教育的重要部分,对青少年的健康成长和学校工作起着导向、动力、保证作用。德育是我国全面发展教育的一个重要组成部分。我国社会主义的学校德育包括三个组成部分:道德品质教育,即引导学生逐步掌握社会主义的道德规范,履行道德义务,形成高尚的品德;政治教育,即引导学生坚持社会主义道路,坚持共产党的领导,逐步形成爱憎分明的政治立场;思想教育,即引导学生


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