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. PAGE .. 摘要 人防工程是城市地下工程的重要组成部分,是一个城市抗灾救灾不可缺少的生命线工程。人防工程的规划设计及其使用功能等要纳入到城市地下空间的总体规划中,并应保留其自身的独特性。 人防工程施工测量是影响施工质量的重要一环。测量放线为工程施工开辟了道路,提供方向。准确、周密的测量工作不但关系到一个工程是否能顺利按图施工,而且还给施工质量提供重要的技术保证,为质量检查等工作提供方法和手段。因此可以这样说:如果没有施工测量,工程施工将寸步难行,施工质量也将无从谈起。 本文主要介绍了802地下人防工程的工程概况,施工测量,沉降观测,及其相关的数据。为今后的使用和观测提供参考。 关键词:人防工程 控制网的建立 人防工程的放样 竣工测量 变形观测 Abstract The urban underground civil air defense projects important part of the project, a city disaster relief indispensable lifeline. Civil air defense engineering design and use of planning functions to the urban underground space should be included in the overall plan, and should retain their own uniqueness. Impact of civil air defense engineering measure is an important part of construction quality. Measure for opening the way for the construction and provide direction. Accurate and thorough survey work is not only related to a project can be smoothly according to the drawings, and returned to provide important technical construction quality assurance, quality inspection, and provide ways and means. So you can say this: If there is no construction survey, engineering and impede the construction quality of construction will also be out of the question. This paper introduces the 802 underground civil air defense engineering projects overview, construction survey, settlement observation, and related data. Observations for future use and reference. Keywords:civil air defense projects Control Network Setting out of civil air defense projects Construction Surveying Deformation Monitoring 目 录 TOC \o 1-2 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc262402197 第一章 工程概况 PAGEREF _Toc262402197 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc262402198 第二章 施工测量的基本知识 PAGEREF _Toc262402198 \h 3 HYPERLINK \l _Toc262402199 第一节 施工测量的目的和特点 PAGEREF _Toc262402199 \h 3 HYPERLINK \l _Toc262402200 第二节 施工测量的原则和准备工作 PAGEREF _Toc262402200 \h 4 HYPERLINK \l _Toc262402201 第三节 施工测量人员的基本能力 PAGEREF _Toc262402201 \h 4 HYPERLINK \l _Toc262402202 第四节 施工测


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