初三英语 李雷 韩梅梅.pdf

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Lesson 1 页码,1/2 大耳朵背单词 Lesson 1 1 Read and say     JIM : Hi , Li Lei ! How are you ?   LI LEI : Oh , hello , Jim . Glad to see you again .   JIM : I`m very well . Did you have a good summer holiday ?   LI LEI : Yes , thanks . Hows Kate ?   JIM : Shes OK , thanks .   LI LEI : Are your parents ?   JIM : Theyre both fine too . What about your family ?   LI LEI : Fine , thanks . Oh , thats the bell . Everyone is going into class . 2 Read and act      MISS ZHAO : Good morning , class !     Who is on duty today ?   MA LILI : Good morning . I am .     Everyone is here .     No one is away . ada99:初三英语上\Lesson%201.htm 2012-7-27 Lesson 1 页码,2/2     Today is Thursday , September 10th , TeachersDay .     Happy TeachersDay , Miss Zhao ! Here are some flowers for you , with our best wishes .   MISS ZHAO : What beautiful flowers ! Oh , a diary , too . Thank you ! 3 Read and learn Make a teachers Day card in your art lesson. To our dear teacher , Happy teachers Day ! Thank you for teaching us so well .   We hope youll have a very happy year in our class . Good luck ! Best wishes !                                                             From your students


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