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About 216–224 g. (1.62–1.68 moles) of powdered anhydrous HYPERLINK /orgsyn/chemname.asp?nameID=33169 \t _top aluminum chloride is added to a 1Lthree-necked flask.在1L的三口烧瓶中加入大约216-224g(1.62–1.68 mol)的无水三氯化铝。 While the free-flowing catalyst is stirred , 81 g. (0.67 mole) of HYPERLINK /orgsyn/chemname.asp?nameID=33146 \t _top acetophenone is added from the dropping funnel in a slow stream over a period of 20–30 minutes. 自由流动的催化剂边搅拌边用滴液漏斗缓慢滴加81g苯乙酰。Considerable heat is evolved, and, if the drops of ketone are not dispersed, darkening or charring occurs. 放热反应,假如滴加的酮不能被分散,就会变黑或是碳化。When about one-third of the HYPERLINK /orgsyn/chemname.asp?nameID=33146 \t _top acetophenone has been added, the mixture becomes a viscous ball-like mass that is difficult to stir.当三分之一的乙酰苯被滴加,反应混合物变成一个很难搅拌的粘性的球状团块。 Turning of the stirrer by hand or more rapid addition of ketone is necessary at this point. 在这时,改用手动搅拌或快速滴加酮是非常必要的。The addition of ketone, however, should not be so rapid as to produce a temperature above 180°. 然而,速度不能太快,当反应温度超过180℃时。Near the end of the addition, the mass becomes molten and can be stirred easily without being either heated or cooled. The molten mass, in which the HYPERLINK /orgsyn/chemname.asp?nameID=33146 \t _top acetophenone is complexed with HYPERLINK /orgsyn/chemname.asp?nameID=33169 \t _top aluminum chloride, ranges in color from tan to brown.当快滴加完时,团块开始融化,表明苯乙酰已经和三氯化铝混合完全,颜色也逐渐从黄褐色变为棕色。 HYPERLINK /orgsyn/chemname.asp?nameID=32917 \t _top Bromine (128 g., 0.80 mole) is added dropwise to the well-stirred mixture over a period of 40 minutes HYPERLINK /OrgSyn/orgsyn/orgsyn_form.asp?formgroup=quick_form_groupdbname=orgsynformmode=editunique_id=undefinedcommit_type=undefinedindexvalue=1form_change=falsetime=10462.85 \l Note1N4#Note1N4 \t _self . 在40分钟内在搅拌下把溴缓慢滴加到混合物中。After all the HYPERLINK /orgsyn/chemname.asp?nameID=32917 \t _top bromine has been added, the molten mixture is stirred at 80–85° on a steam bath for 1 hour.溴滴加完后,熔融混合物在80-85℃蒸气浴下搅拌1小时。 The compl


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