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铲ss9133摘 铲ss9133 摘 要 原油生产和石化行业污水处理构筑物底部排出的污泥含水率高,充分乳化而 难以自然沉降,如不加以处理而直接排放,不仅会造成环境污染,而且对污泥中 所含的原油也是一种浪费。本论文通过对含油污泥物质组成和性质的分析,在参 阅国内外有关含油污泥处理工艺文献的基础上,结合对石油化工行业特殊生产工 艺流程的理解和阐述,对石油类污染物在水环境中的迁移转化规律进行了一些初 步研究,并在论文中对此进行了综述。此外,论文针对当前石化行业普遍采用的 各种含油污泥处理工艺的流程、技术优势、技术难点以及经济可行性等诸多方面 进行了分类概述,进一步加深了对含油污泥处理内在机理的认识。在此基础上, 对某炼厂含油污泥调质阶段所加混凝、破乳药剂的种类、用量、反应温度与絮凝 效率的关系进行了一系列试验研究,确定了最佳运行参数,并且在对实验现象和 试验结果理论分析的基础上,提出了一种通过加酸、加热破乳,简单易行,投资 小,处理效率高的含油污泥无害化处理及石油类资源回收利用新工艺a在西安石 化总厂的现场试验中取得了令人满意的效果,对油泥中油的回收率均在98.6%以 上,取得了良好的环境效益和经济效益。 [关键词]:含油污泥污泥处理浮选渣 蒸馏原油 AostractSludge Aostract Sludge which is discharged from the process of oil crude production or from the bottom of wastewater treatment constructional work has rather lli曲water ratio and is too sufficiently emulsified to be freely settled.It Call not only get the envkonment polluted,but also might be a waste of crude oil resoul汜e if the sludge is discharged directly without any disposal. On the basis of character and compositional features of oily sludge analyzed in this thesis and by loading my pages wi氇references ofthe related fields,together诫墩 the comprehension and expatiation of the technological process in petrochemical industry,preliminary study has been conducted and summarized in this thesis involved 、ⅣitIl the transference and Iransformation ofoily pollutant. In addition,conceming various ways of treatment methods in oily sludge disposal,advantages or disadvantages of each technology and economic feasibifity, there have been somc categorized smnmaries made in this a result,it could be deeper and better for US to understand about the intemal mechanism in the disposal of oily sludge. According to all the theories discussed above,a series of experimental studies has been made to reveal the relationship between the variety ofcoagulant agent、dosage and rcac蛙on temperature with the efficiency of flocculation,and敷the same time.the optimal working parameters have been gotten.from the observation of experimental phenomena and the theore



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