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Service Delivery Platform
Ciena’s 3928 Service Delivery Platform is a cost-effective Features and Benefits
solution for 10 Gb/s Ethernet service delivery in a variety • Offers 48 Gb/s of non-blocking
switching capacity in a compact
of business or mobile backhaul environments. service demarcation device,
running Ciena’s SAOS for
The 3928 features a high-capacity 48 Gb/s switching fabric supporting four 1GbE advanced OAM and QoS functions
or 10GbE ports and 8 100/100M/1000M ports in a compact 1RU chassis. The unit is
• Features low-footprint 1RU
powered by fixed, dual AC or DC power supplies, and is supported in environments packaging with:
requiring extended temperatures (DC option) such as outdoor cabinets or other – 4 x 1GbE/10GbE SFP+ ports
uncontrolled environments. – 8 x 1GbE SFP ports
• Benefits from Ciena’s Blue Planet
The unit is a carrier-grade platform based on the Service-Aware Operating System
MCP multilayer provisioning
(SAOS) used in all of Ciena’s Packet Networking products to deliver a consistent