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初二英语下Unit1—unit3测试题 一、词汇(10分) 1.cut(现在分词)____________ 2. bought(原形) ____________ 3. while(近义词)____________ 4. close (形容词)____________ 5. strange(名词)__________ 6. happen(同义词组)____________ 7. kid(现在分词)___________ 8. hear(过去式)____________ 9. silence(形容词)____________ 10. hero(复数)____________ 1.留在外面,不进人________  2.打电话给某人________ 3.过时的;落伍的_________ 4.与某人争吵_______ 5.在.....前面____________ 6. 起飞_____________ 7. 跳下来____________ 8. 跑开_____________ 9. 听说____________ 10. 发生____________ 二据意填词(10分) 1.—What do you want to be? —I want to be an a_____ and live on a space station. 2.—Do you keep any p_____ at home?—Yes. I have a cat and two birds. 3.My mother was cooking in the k_____ at that time. 4.There will be less p______in 100 years. 5.There won’t be any p______ books. Everyone will have books on computers. 6.The girl was shopping when she saw the _____ (外星人) got out. 7.When the plane _____ _____(起飞),I felt terrible. 8. The girl was really _____ (惊恐) when she saw the snake. 9 He goes to the _____ (理发店) to have a hair cut twice a month. 10.Maybe he wants to go _________ (滑冰). 三. 单项选择(20分) ( )1. There ______ a sports meeting in our school next week. A.will hold B.will have C.will be  D.is going to hold (?? ) 2. For example, there are already robots ____ in factories. ??? A worked??? B working?? C to work???? D work (?? ) 3. There are about five ____??? young trees on the hill. A hundred??? B hundreds?? C hundred of? D? hundreds? of ( )4. —_______will you stay in Hong Kong? — Just for four days. A. How long B. How often C. How soon ( )5.The problem is too difficult. ____ students can work it out. A. Nobody B. Little C. Few D A few ( )6.What will the weather ____ tomorrow? A. like B. be like C. look like D is like ( )7. Today all of us went to the park _? __Peter.? He was ill in bed. A. but?????? B.?



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