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摘 摘 要 随着社会主义市场经济体制改革的不断深入与发展,国有 企业显现出田显的缺陷,这些缺陷主要表现在:产权主体不明 晰、过度负债、代理成本高、效率低下、内部人控制严重等一系 列闯题,严重阻碍了我国经济的发展。因此,国有企业战略性 改组刻不容缓。其中圈有企业资本结构与治理结构改革显得尤 其重要。国内外许多专家、学者分别对国有企业资本结构,治 理结构的优化进行了全面的理论和实证研究。但是,单纯追求 要素单一的优化,在一定程度上存在片面性和局限性。于此, 本研究课题通过对国有企业改革的现实障碍,国有企业资本结 构的特征,国有企业治理结构的内容和问题以及资本结构和治 理结构关系进行分析。提出国有企业改革在资本结构和治理结 构协同层面上的初步构想:加强国有资产管理体制的改革,实 行国有资产的分类管理,建立科学的国有资产管理体系。完善 资本市场,确立投资主体多元化、多元化董事会、职工参与管 理形式多样化。进一步推动国有企业改革,实现国有企业资本 结构与治理结构协同。最终实现企业价值最大化。 关键词:资本结构 治理结构 协同性 国有企业改革 Harmonious Harmonious research oⅡcapital structure and corporate governance Of state-owned eⅡterprise Abstract With the deep development of socia“sm market economic systef feformatjon, stated.owned enterprise shows lot of very obviou defects in itself, these defects create lot of problems follows :uncleaf main fjgures of property right,oVefflow debt hig】 agency cost,lower efficiency,seVere control of manager themselVes on.all the above becOme of essential factor:that is,those hindel the further develoDment of socia“sm marl【et economy, therefore,tht stfategic changes is very imperatiVe of the key point is th reformation of capital structure and corporate goVernance state—owned enterprise. many experts and scholars haVe done quitI comprehensiVe theoretical and practical research the process optimizing above two aspects.obviously in way there may exist sing】 view of point and li】nitation just for the sin91eness of optimizin aboVe .therefore my research topic is to analysis the f01lowin questio hampers in the reformation of state-owned enterprise the features of capital structure of the state—owned enterprise,thI content and problems of corporate goVernance of state。owned enterpris and the relationship between the stmctures.the authof puts forward th ideas the reformation of state—owned enterprise:reinforcing th{ reformation of state—owned enterprise capital managemer system ;executing the classification management of stat号ownel capital; establishing scientific management system of stateowned



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