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______ What’s the matter? ______ Well, I practice my listening by listening to the tape over and over again until I can understand everything. ______ So you want to practice your listening? ______ Hi, Jake, I need your help. ______ Uh-huh. Do you have any advice? ______ OK, I’ll try that. ______ I have a listening test next week. 2. Number these sentences in order to make a conversation. 2 6 4 1 5 7 3 listening to English tapes listening to English songs listening to radios Match How do you learn English? speaking in class speaking out of class speaking aloud speaking with friends speaking with a foreigner speaking crazily reading English aloud reading English crazily reading English textbooks reading English notes reading English newspapers reading English magazines writing compositions writing/taking English notes writing/keeping diaries in English writing e-mails to friends watching English films watching English TV watching English DVDs asking the classmate for help asking the teacher for help memorizing the words making flashcards making vocabulary lists doing a lot of exercises 翻译下列短语。 除非,如果不 处理 3. 担心 4. 生…的气 5. (指时间)过去,消逝 6. 解决一个问题 7. 把…看作… 8. 抱怨 9. 太…以致不能 10. 尽某人最大的努力 11.在…的帮助下 12. 把…变成… unless deal with worry about be angry with… go by solve a problem regard…as… complain about too…to… try one’s best with the help of change…into… Thank you! ?一、by+地点名词。 表方位,意为:“在…旁边”。 by?the?lake/river/tree/window/door等。 有时可表:“从…旁经过”,多与动词go / walk / pass等连用 二、by+时间名词。 意为:“到…时(已发生某事),此时谓语多用完成时;最晚、不迟于…,在…之前”。 By?the?end?of?last?year, another?new? gymnasium?had?been?completed. 三、by+名词。 1)可用来表方法、方式、手段 Cleaning?women?in?big?cities?usually?get?paid? by?the?hour. 城市里的女清洁工通常按小时获得报酬。 2) by+交通工具、交通方式名词 by?train /taxi/bus/truck/bike/boat/plane; by?land/road/sea/water/air 四、 by+动词 v-ing 意为:“通过…,靠…,凭…”。 He?gaine


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