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学生毕业论文(设计)鉴定表 题  目 基于单片机的LED点阵电子显示屏设计 姓  名 王晓南 学号 2012540330125 系 部 电子信息工程系 专  业 电子与信息工程技术 指导教师 彭高丰 职称 副教授 2014年11月18日 长沙师范学院教务处制 基于51单片机的LED点阵显示屏系统的设计与实现 摘要: 在这个信息化社会中,人们对信息的传达需求激增,点阵式LED显示屏成为重要的传播媒体。金融证券、体育场所、交通运输、商业广告、邮电电信及学校教育等领域都得到了广泛的应用。因此,点阵式LED显示屏的研发、设计、生产获得迅速的发展,并且成为了产业。点阵式LED显示屏的显示效果、功率环保也不断优化。点阵式LED屏具有较大的信息显示量、寿命长、功耗小、重量轻、空间尺寸小及造价低等优点。本设计通过使用单片机为控制核心,设计一款点阵式LED屏。同时,使用电脑VB编写的上位机通过串口通信对点阵显示屏的信息更新、显示速度控制等。 关键词:AT89S51 LED点阵 单片机 串口通信 Led dot matrix display based on single chip design Tan Jin-biao ???????? 2007 Computer Science and Technology Major,Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Sanming University Abstract:In this information society, people surge in demand for information communication, dot matrix LED display has become an important media. Financial securities, sports venues, transportation, advertising, post and telecommunications fields of telecommunications and school education have been widely used. Therefore, the dot matrix LED display R D, design, production for the rapid development and become the industry. LED dot matrix display screen, green power has also been optimized. LED dot matrix display screen with a large amount of information, long life, low power consumption, light weight, small size and cost of space is low. The design of the control by using the MCU core, design a dot matrix LED display. Meanwhile, the use of computer PC VB, dot-matrix display through the serial port communication on the information updated to reflect the speed control. Key words:AT89S51 LED dot matrix SCM Serial communication 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z HYPERLINK H:\\download\\基于51单片机的LED点阵显示屏系统的设计与实1.doc \l _Toc169768628 第1章 绪 论 PAGEREF _Toc169768628 \h 1 HYPERLINK H:\\download\\基于51单片机的LED点阵显示屏系统的设计与实1.doc \l _Toc169768629 1.1 课题背景 PAGEREF _Toc169768629 \h 1 HYPERLINK H:\\download\\基于51单片机的LED点阵显示屏系统的设计与实1.doc \l _Toc169768630 1.


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