PEP英语四年级下 unit 4 at the farm B.docx

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PEP英语四年级下 unit 4 at the farm b let’s learn教学设计 科区孔家学校张立新 年级:四年级 时间:2017/5/10 类型:新授课 一、教学目标: (一)知识目标: 1. 听、说、读hen, horse, cow ,sheep以及他们的复数变化。 2. 熟练运用句型what are these ?They are …. These are ….,they are so …对农场牲畜进行简单描述。 (二)能力目标: 1. 学生能够熟练运用句型these are ….,they are so … 2. 对农场牲畜进行简单描述。 (三)情感目标: 动物是我们的朋友,我们应该爱护动物。 二、教学重难点: (一)教学重点: 1. 农场动物及其复数并掌握句型:what are these? 2. They are …,these are …,wow, they are so …. (二)难点: sheep 复数和horses 的朗读。 三、教学方法: (一)新知: 多媒体辅助,猜谜,自然拼读法 (二)呈现阶段: sharp eyes ,pair work ,和发展学生综合运用语言能力。 (三)学法: 小组合作 四、教学流程: Step1:Warm up Free talk T:What’s the weather like today ? What vegetable do you like? What animal do you like?(由自由会话复习前面学过的有关蔬菜和动物的单词,即复习了旧知,又为新知做了铺垫) Do let’s do (pep三年级上We love animals )Act like an elephant Sing a song “Old Macdonald has a farm.”设计意图通过歌曲激发学生学习英语的兴趣,而且歌词和本课内容相关。 Step2:Presentation Lead in T:Today Miss Zhang will introduce a friend to you, this is Old Macdonald ,there are many fruits, vegetables and many animals on MacDonald’s farm. Let’s get on the bus and go to old MacDonald’s farm ,OK, .Let’s go . T:Hello ,I’m old MacDonald, I am a farmer ,I have a big farm ,I’m very busy ,I need help ,do you want to work on my farm ?you will be well paid. T:if you want to work on my farm ,you must finish three tasks: Task1:Meeting animals (1) Show ppt “they are pink, they are big and fat ,they have small eyes and big ears ,they have a short tail ,what are they? (2)They are small .they are cute ,they like eating fish. What are they? S:Are they …?”让学生用Are they …?提问,”复习了A部分的句型,同时让同学们开启思维,进入动物名称的学习。 Present new words hen, hens T: You are so great ,you guess the riddle, Another animal is coming on my farm .listen, what is it? (通过鸡叫的声音引出hen) T:What’s this ? S :it’s a hen(通过pen, ten 引导学生读出hen ppt :show many hens , T:What are these ?引导学生说出They’re hens T:Yes,these are hens ,they’re so fat. horse, horses ppt Show a picture of a horse and listen to the sound T:What’s this? S:it’s a horse (出示fork ,short 的读音,让学生自己根据or的读音,试着读出horse) Ppt :S


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