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Topic 51 My View on School Security 最近校园安全事件频发 学校应该怎么做 社会应该怎么做 My View on School Security Recently, violence frequently occurred in schools, and in serious cases even killing was involved. All those cases pose threat towards students’ security and exert tremendous influence on their growing. It’s high time that we took drastic measures to solve the problem. ①Provided school ②take corresponding measures, the chances of crime would be reduced. First of all, equipments such as electronic monitors or warning alarms should be installed on campus to prevent potential crimes. Secondly, security patrols should be arranged. Last but not least, security awareness should be promoted. Once encountering a suspicious man on campus, students or faulty members need to tell the campus guard immediately. School security cannot be guaranteed if we rely solely on school administration, which, of course, is supposed to play an active role in safeguarding. Unity is strength. Both city residents and the police should make joint efforts to fight against the crime. 小议“校园安全” 最近,校园内频发暴力事件,严重的甚至出现人员伤亡。所有这些事件都对学生的安全构成了威胁,极大地影响到了学生的成长。我们应该立即采取严厉的措施解决这一问题。 如果学校能够采取相应的措施,犯罪的可能性就会降低。首先,应该安装如电子监视器、报警器等设备来防止潜在罪犯的发生。其次,安排一些安保人员巡逻校园。最后但同样重要的是,安全意识应该进一步加强,一旦在校园内遇见可疑人员,学生或教职员工应该立即报告学校保安。 尽管,学校管理理应在安保方面起积极作用,但仅仅依靠学校管理部门,安全是无法得到安全保证的。团结就是力量。警察、全体公民在安保中都应起到积极的作用。 抢分亮点 provided 假设 take corresponding measures 做出相应措施 guarantee 保证,担保 make joint effort 共同努力 Topic 52 Increasing Attention To Traditional Culture 近来,中国传统文化受到越来越多的人追捧 分析造成这一现象的原因 我的观点 Increasing Attention To Traditional Culture The last decade ①witnessed an intriguing phenomenon that people are paying more and more attention to traditional Chinese culture. Bookshelves are ②packed with books interpreting ancient Chinese wisdom, depicting its brilliant history and fascinating historic figures. It is the same with TV programs. What’s more, suggestions that Chinese classics be made a compulsory course have been made. Three factors may accou


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