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山东科技大学学士学位论文 摘要 摘要 孵化设备是养禽业的重要设备。它是根据仿生学原理人工模拟禽类孵化条件的一种设备。在众多孵化条件中,温度与湿度十分重要。本设计主要是对小型孵化机的温度湿度控制进行研究。 本论文首先介绍了孵化所需温湿度条件以及国内外孵化温湿度控制系统的现状及发展方向。参考孵化行业的技术标准确定了本系统的设计指标。本设计以AT89C51为控制核心,温度采集传感器选用数字式单总线温度传感器DS18B20;湿度采集传感器采用HS1101型电容式传感器,利用其搭建频率电路检测孵化箱内的湿度;利用以T6963为主控芯片的12864液晶屏实时显示孵化箱内现场状态;利用日历芯片DS1320准确记录孵化时间;利用E2PROM芯片AT24C02来存储设定温度湿度的改变,进行掉电保护等。利用Keil uVision4软件编译了驱动单片机运行的C语言程序,并与Proteus软件进行联调仿真,验证设计的可行性。 关键词:单片机,孵化机,温湿度控制 山东科技大学学士学位论文 摘要 ABSTRACT The incubation equipment is an important device in the?poultry?industry. It is a bionic device that creates the environment about hatching where manual control is desired. The temperature and humidity control is particularly important in the numerous incubation conditions. Therefore, a?major?theme in?research?here is?that control of temperature and humidity about small incubator. This article describes the knowledge of the incubator, the situation and development direction of the incubation equipment at home and abroad, and the hatch principles and conditions, and with reference to the incubation industry technical standards to determine the design of the system indicators. The intelligent control system is mainly composed of single-chip AT89C51, DS18B20 digital temperature sensor, which is through single bus. The humidity sensor is the relative humidity sensor HS1101, it is used to build frequency circuits for measuring the precise humidity values in time.LCD12864 using T6963 as main control chip is used for the actual state monitor and diagnosis. In order to recording the time, this article uses the DS1302 trickle charge time keeping chip. The difference in humidity and temperature are stored in AT24C02, protected in the case of electricity loss. For proving the feasibility, C language SCM process is wrote by the Keil uVision4 software and the simulation and analysis tools that Proteus softw


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