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中国最大的论文知识平台 内 容 摘 要 中国公路物流资源极其分散,90%以上的车辆是个人拥有,无法实现规模化运行;无法网络化管理;最终无法实现我国物流业规范化和标准化,造成我国公路物流成本很高。长期以来,由于受到计划经济的影响,我国大多数第三方物流企业是计划经济时期商业、物资、粮食、运输等部门储运企业转型而来。条块分割严重,企业缺乏整合,无集约化经营优势,规模效益难以实现。我国的现状是一方面公路运力紧张,另一方面货车又频繁无效移动,停车场空车等货现象普遍,车辆使用效率十分低下。今年来,电子商务发展迅速,所以相比之下物流行业的低效就浮出水面。但现在国内对电子商务模式研究还是停留在比较低的水平,因为中国的公路货运物流实在传统。物流行业从业人员素质普遍不高,基础设施落后等等原因,基于这一国情只有通过整合物流资源,实现规模化运营和信息化管理,才是中国物流走向现代化(特别是公路物流现代化)的唯一出路。 本文从实际出发,以电子商务背景下第三方物流模式的创新为目的,结合前期收集的大量电子商务物流和现代物流信息技术相关资料,对电子商务物流及电子商务背景下中国公路货运物流模式创新进行研究。结合中国货运市场的现状分析电子商务物流模式,如何地将电子商务物流的模式真实可行地结合到货运市场中去,探索新的问题,提出改进的对策。 关键字:电子商务;第三方物流;现代物流信息技术;发展策略 ABSTRACT China Road and logistics resources is extremely scattered, more than 90% of the vehicles are owned by individuals, large-scale operation can not be achieved; unable to network management; the ultimate realization of Chinas logistics industry can not be standardized, resulting in Chinas extraordinarily high cost of road logistics. A long time, due to the impact of the planned economy, the majority of third-party logistics enterprises in China during the planned economy period is the commercial, material, food, transportation and other sectors from transportation companies in transition. Serious fragmentation, lack of integration of enterprises, non-intensive management advantages, economies of scale difficult to achieve. Chinas road capacity on the one hand, the status quo is tense, on the other hand, frequent and invalid mobile trucks,The phenomenon of empty car parks, such as general cargo, vehicles use a very low efficiency. This year, e-commerce has developed rapidly, so inefficient compared to the logistics industry on the surface. But now the domestic model of e-commerce or stay at a relatively low level, because of Chinas road freight transport logistics is traditional. Employees in the quality of the logistics industry was generally not high, the reasons for poor infrastructure and so on, based on the situation only through the integration of logistics resources to achiev


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