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PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 1 JIANGSU UNIVERSITY 2013届本科毕业论文 论文题目:仙林大学城公交线路的优化与改善 专业名称: 工业工程 班级学号: 2011级 学生姓名: 杨雅琼 指导教师: 周富林 仙林大学城公交线路的优化与改善 摘要 城市交通拥挤和由此带来的环境与能源问题已严重制约城市经济的发展,影响到我国城市居民的生活。在这种状况下,研究和发展一种既能有效缓解城市交通拥挤又经济合理,且能与环境保护、节约能源相协调的可持续的城市交通运输方式成为人们关注的重点。目前我国城市公交线路网的建设并没有得到充分重视,以至于在公交线路网建设还存在许多问题,如某些公交路线过长或过短,交叉口附近公交停靠站位置选择不合理,公交线路选择不合理等。使得公交出现一些公交盲点,还有公交的服务水平普遍不够高。 公交作为公共交通系统的子系统,承担着客流集散的功能,对于公共交通服务的方便度与舒适度都有着很大的影响。公交站点的优化设计不仅关系到公共交通运输的质量和效率,而且影响道路交通的运行质量和城市环境。除此而外,公交的服务水平也是制约公交发展的一个重要因素。 关键词: 公交线路 , 公交站点 ,公交服务水平 Abstract The problem of environment and energy sources city traffic congestion and the resulting has seriously restricted the development of city economy, affects the city residents in our country life. In this situation, the research and development of a can effectively alleviate the city traffic congestion and reasonable in economy, and sustainable city transport mode in coordination with the environmental protection, energy conservation is becoming the focus of attention. At present, the construction of Chinas city bus line network and did not receive adequate attention, so that the bus line network construction still exist many problems, such as some bus line too long or too short, near the intersection of bus stop location choice is not reasonable, unreasonable choice of bus lines. The transit bus appeared some blind spots, and the level of public transport services are generally not high enough The bus as a subsystem of the public transport system, bear the passenger distribution functions, for the convenience of the public transport service and comfort are greatly affects the. The optimization design of the bus stop is not only related to the quality of public transport and efficiency, and the impact of road traffic quality and environment of the city. In addition, an important factor in the level of public transport s


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