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钢珠分选机的设计 XXXX大学 毕 业 设 计 说 明 书 设计1:1459919609 2:1969043202 学 院: 专 业: 题 目:钢珠分选机的设计 指导教师: 职称: 职称: 20**年**月**日 钢球分选机设计 摘要:本次设计对钢球分选机进行了较全面的论述。首先,介绍了钢球分选机的发展现状、结构类型,并指出了市场上现有钢球分选机的优点和缺点;其次,分析了钢珠分选机的主要参数对其使用性能和输送能力的影响,以及工作过程中的钢球分选机的运动状态和受力情况;最后,根据钢球分选机的工作原理和设计任务书的要求独立设计一台钢球分选机。 本次设计根据螺杆结构、输送量和输送路程设计出螺旋直径,计算出了分选功率并根据该功率选择了电动机、减速器和联轴器等,较好地解决了设计参数的选择和确定等问题,避免了以往只能依靠经验做设计时出现的各种不合理情况。 本次设计还对钢球分选机的正确安装、正常使用和平时保养等进行了说明,整个设计综合运用了机械设计和制造方面的知识,对今后的学习和工作都有实际指导意义。 关键词:钢球分选机;螺旋输送;设计 充值后就可以下载此设计说明书。全套资料包含有相应的word说明书(附带:外文翻译)和CAD图纸(共计5张图纸)。需要全套资料的朋友请加1:1459919609或2:1969043202,需要其他设计题目直接联系!!! The design of steel ball sorting machine Abstract : The design of the steel sorting machine comprehensively discussed. First, introduces the development status of separating machine, steel structure and types, and pointed out the existing steel market advantages and disadvantages of sorting machine, Secondly, analyzed the main parameters of separating machine steel on its performance and transmission capacity, and the influence of the process of separating machine ball movement and force, Finally, according to the ball sorting machine design and working principle of the requirements of the independent design a ball sorting machine. According to the structure, design of screw conveyor journey designed throughput and spiral diameter, calculated according to the power separating power and choose motor, gear and coupling, through three-dimensional modeling machine assembly verified after the rationality of the space structure, a good solution to the selection of design parameters and avoid the problems, such as past experience do design can only rely on the unreasonable situation. The design of the steel distinguishing correct installation and maintenance of the normal use of peace, when the whole design, mechanical design and manufacturing knowledge, for future study and work has practical significance. Key w


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