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第 33 卷  第 11 期 总第 209 期  物流工程与管理 LOGISTICS ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT  湖北冷链物流论坛 doi: 10 . 3969 / j. issn. 1674 - 4993 . 2011 . 11 . 013 城市农产品物流发展的对策研究 ———基于武汉市白沙洲农副产品大市场物流现状分析 □ 雷  伟,刘  晨,余家靖,张曙红 ( 湖北经济学院,湖北  武汉 430205) 【摘  要】农副产品批发市场作为农产品流通的主要渠道,是发展和运作现代农产品物流的最佳主体。文中以武汉 市白沙洲农副产品大市场为例,通过分析找出农产品物流 运作中所具备的优势以及存在的市场提供服务功能少、技术 手段落后、从业人员受教育水平不高、市场交易随意性大等问题。在此基础上提出了 加快城市农产品物流发展的 几点 建议: 加强农贸市场管理、加强农产品物流技术的开发、招聘任用物流的专业人才、提高物流公司服务能力等,以期能为 城市农产品物流的发展提供借鉴。 【关键词】农产品物流; 白沙洲; 农副产品大市场; 物流运作 【中图分类号】 F252 【文献标识码】 A 【文章编号】 1674 - 4993 ( 2011 ) 11 - 0040 - 04 Reaserch on the Countermeasures about Agricultural Product Logistics Development in city ———Based on the Bai Sha Zhou agricultural and sideline products market □ LEI Wei,LIU Cheng,YU Jia - jing,ZHANG Shu - hong ( Hubei Logistics Development,Hubei University of Economics,Wuhan 430205,China) 【Abstract】As the main circulation channel of agricultural products,agricultural and sideline products wholesales market are the best modern logistics subject to develop and operate the modern agricultural logistics. This paper will take Wuhan Baishazhou market of agricultural and sideline products as an example to find out the advantages of agricultural products logistics and the existing problems such as less services are provided,technical means backward,lower level of education of employees, market transactions arbitrary. And on that basis,we put forward some suggestions of accelerating the development of urban agricultural logistics which include reinforceing the management of farmers market,strengthening the development of agricultural product logistics technology,recruiting and selecting the logistics professionals,improving the service capability of logistics. And we are looking forward to providing a reference for the development of agricultural products logistics for the city. 【Key words】agricultural logistics; Baishazhou; agricultural and sideline products market; logistics operation 我国是农业大国,农业是国民经济的基础,“三农”问题是 目前影响国民经济发展的重要问题


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