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单位代码 学  号 100617019 分 类 号 密 级 毕业设计(论文) 传感器在机械领域的应用与发展 院(系)名称 工学院 专业名称 机械设计与制造 学生姓名 指导教师 2013年 5月11日 传感器在机械领域的应用与发展 摘要 工业自动化是人类摆脱繁重的体力劳动的必要手段。设想有一天,人们可以坐在中央控制室,看着各种机床按预先设定的程序有序地工作。为了实现这一目标.中央控制室需要随时了解各单元的运行情况,及时作出判断并发出下一步动作指令,以实现闭环控制。随着计算机技术的飞速发展.工业自动化程度愈来愈高.过去必须由人力去做的许多工作,现在已经逐步由计算机来代替了。 要实现工业自动化,传感器是必不可少的。传感器的应用范围极广,几乎应用于所有的技术领域,如机器人技术领域、航空航天技术领域、兵器领域、民用工业领域,并逐渐深入到人们的日常生活中。 本文首先对传感器有比较详细的说明,然后介绍传统的工业机械以及现代的工业机械,对比之下,可以容易得知现在工业机械的效率更高、安全系数更好等优点,传感器在其中起的作用不可小觑。最后,我们用冷水机和空压机的实例说明传感器在机械中的应用。 关键词:传感器 机械领域 兵器领域 The application and development of sensor in mechanical field Author:Li Wei Tutor: Li Hui Abstract Industrial automation is the essential means to humans from heavy manual work. Imagine one day, people can sit at the central control room, looking at all kinds of machine tools according to the preset program work orderly. To achieve this goal. The central control room need to know the operating condition of the unit at any time, timely judge and a next move instruction, in order to realize the closed-loop control. With the rapid development of computer technology, industrial automation degree more and more high. The past must be human to do a lot of work, is now gradually instead of by computer. To realize industrial automation, sensors are essential. Sensor application range is very wide, almost apply to all areas of technology in areas such as robotics, aerospace technology, weapons, civilian industry, and gradually go deep into the Peoples Daily life. At first, this paper has more detailed instructions to the sensor, then introduces the traditional and modern industrial machinery industrial machinery, in contrast, can be easily learned that now industrial machinery is more efficient and better safety coefficient, function of sensor in it to be reckoned with. Finally, we use cold water machine and air compressor example illustrates the application of sensor in mechanical. Key words: weapons field sen


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