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PAGE II- 河北理工大学 本科生毕业设计说明书 题 目:日产熟料3200吨预分解回转窑水泥厂 的窑尾车间设计 英文题目: Nissan 3200 tons of clinker cement kiln the back-end esign workshop 学 院: 材料学院 专 业: 无机非金属材料工程 班 级: 05级材料(3)班 姓 名: 白明 学 号: 200508010308 指导教师: 王静 2009年6 摘 要 PAGE 摘 要 预分解窑是在悬浮预热窑的预热器和回转窑之间增设了一个分解炉作为第二热源,使燃料燃烧的放热过程与生料的碳酸盐分解的吸热过程,在悬浮态或流态化条件下及其迅速地进行,从而减轻了回转窑的热力强度,并使入窑生料的碳酸盐分解率提高到85-95%,使窑的生产能力成倍增长。由于其质量稳定、熟料标号高、综合能耗低、劳动生产率高,有害气体浓度低等诸多优点,使该生产工艺呈现出强劲生命力。是近代水泥工业发展中的重大技术革命。 国家制定的《中国建筑材料工业跨世纪发展战略》明确提出了大力发展预分解及当代先进工艺技术,力争在21世纪30年代实现水泥工业现代化的宏伟目标。 预分解窑是新型干法水泥生产的核心装备,具有广泛的高新技术内涵,本设计重点放在预分解窑系统中的旋风筒、换热管道、分解炉、回转窑(简称:筒、管、炉、窑)等全系统热工系统工程的分析上。 关键词:悬浮预热器,预分解,筒,炉,窑 Abstract Abstract Precalcining kiln technique is used a second heater in the cement clinker sintering procecs, which is a precalcining kiln linking suspension preheater with rotator kiln,in order to increase qucichen the processes of fuel heat releasing and carbonate decomposition in the raw meal during the suspended and flowing condition.lt is a great technic innovation in cement technology.The heating power of cement rotator kiln is decreases after adopting the technique.Decomposing ratio of carbonate materials in raw meal can be reached as high as 85^95%,so that production capacity of the same cement kiln can be doubled or more. The benefits of stabilizing clinker quality and higher products mark, enhancing efficiency of comprehensive energy consumption and human labor productivity, decreasing concentration of harmful gases all made it with great industrial potential. (The developing stratagem of the building materials industry of china in the twenty-first century) which was compiled by the government,definitely stated that cement industry apply the precalcining technique and other modern advanced technology in order to the realize the great goal of the mordenization of cement industry of china before the third decade of 21 century. P


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