八年级英语下册 Unit4精品教学案(共10课时) 牛津译林版.doc

八年级英语下册 Unit4精品教学案(共10课时) 牛津译林版.doc

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PAGE PAGE 1 用心 爱心 专心 8B Unit4 A charity 课题 Unit4 Welcome to the unit 学习目标 知识目标 单词 Charity host wish cat organize protect 词组 practise a lot a good host poor areas organize a charity show 能力目标 To become familiar with different ways of making suggestions.. 情感目标 To introduce specific activities students can do to help a charity. 学习重点 To introduce the names of the different charities in China. 学习难点 To introduce the names of the different charities in China. 课前自学 一.阅读漫画,回答问题. 1. What is Hobo going to be? What is Eddie’s wish? What does Hobo think about Eddie’s wish? 二.小组交流一下 1. Why not…? 2. Let’s… 3. Shall we…? 4. Would you like…? 5. What about…? 三.小组合作探究 小组成员交流自己所了解的慈善机构,并选择一种介绍给班级其它同学. 解释时注意以下两个问题: What’s the name of this charity ? What does it do ? 课堂交流展示 一.听录音,交流预习一问题 二.分小组表演Comic strip部分的对话 三.小组展示预习二内容. 四. 展示预习三内容,比一比,那个小组的介绍更具体,介绍时倡议大家为你介绍的慈善机构捐款。介绍完后统计愿意为各组捐款的学生人数,得票最高的小组为胜利组,可评为charity star. 五.完成课本61页B部分的练习。 课堂达标检测 一.根据对话内容填入所缺单词. Hobo is h____1___a microphone. Eddie is very s___2_____ at this. He wants to know w____3_ Hobo is holding that. Hobo tells Eddie that he will be a h___4____ of a c___5____ show. Eddie admires Hobo very much. So he says; “ How I w____6___ I could be a host!” Hobo tells Eddie if he wants to be a host, he must p____7____ a lot. Eddie says he is s___8___ he can be a good host. But Hobo doesn’t b___9____ it because Eddie s___10___ a lot. Now Hobo says to Eddie: “ You can be a good host o___11_ if you sleep l__12___ d____13___ the day.” How lazy Eddie is! 二.翻译句子 1.义演最好别在白天举行。 2.我们每年读募集钱和衣服来帮助贫困地区的孩子们。 3.我相信你能成为一个好主持人。 4.只有你跟我一起走,我才回家。 学习感悟 课题 Unit 4 Reading 学习目标 知识目标 To master the useful words ,phrases and sentence structures 能力目标 To train the ability of reading. Master the general meaning of the e-mail. 情感目标 Learn how to organize a charity show to help others in need. 学习重难点 Passive Voice 课前自学 一.Read the first two parts and answer: 1.Why didn’t Ricky write to Kitty earlier? 2.Why did he help the charity


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