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PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT II PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT I 明宇酒店集团网络营销策略探讨 作者姓名:游小梅 专业班级:2008080601 指导教师:卢海霞 摘要 随着经济水平的提高和旅游产业的发展,我国酒店行业的竞争日趋激烈。除了传统的细分客源市场、提供个性化服务、提高服务质量等营销方式来增加酒店收入,获得竞争优势,在这个高速发展的信息时代,网络营销已成为酒店营销的新趋势。然而,我国的酒店行业以及酒店的网络营销环境都不容乐观。如何在新一轮的营销战争中获胜,是每一个酒店所关注的问题,而网络营销,已成为酒店营销的焦点。本文以明宇酒店集团为例,通过对明宇酒店集团网络营销现状分析以及其发展网络营销的SWOT分析,为明宇酒店集团开展网络营销提出营销对策,并从产品、推广、渠道、安全等方面给出具体建议。 关键词:明宇酒店集团;网络营销;营销策略 Discussed of E-marketing Strategies of Mingyun Hotel Group Abstract:Along with the development of the economic level and tourism industry, Chinas hotel industry competition is becoming increasingly fierce. In addition to the traditional subdivision market, provide personalized service, improve the quality of service marketing to increase hotel revenue, gain a competitive advantage in the high-speed development of the information era,network marketing has become the new trend of hotel marketing. However, Chinas hotel industry and the hotel network marketing environment are optimistic. How to win the war of marketing in a new round ,It is the focus of attention of every hotel,Internet marketing has become the focus of hotel marketing. Through analyzing its marketing environment and and the current situation of network marketing of Mingyun Hotels Group,the thesis is trying to Provide some guidance of internet marketing to the mingyungroup,In addition, given in terms of specific recommendations in product, promotion, channel and security. Key words: Mingyun Hotel Group; E-Marketing; Marketing Strategy 目录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc326436624第1章 前言 PAGEREF _Toc326436624 \h 3 HYPERLINK \l _Toc3264366251.1研究背景 PAGEREF _Toc326436625 \h 3 HYPERLINK \l _Toc3264366261.1.1酒店业发展迅速,竞争激烈 PAGEREF _Toc326436626 \h 3 HYPERLINK \l _Toc3264366271.1.2在线旅游大有可为 PAGEREF _Toc326436627 \h 3 HYPERLINK \l _Toc3264366281.1.3酒店在线预订将成为发展趋势 PAGEREF _Toc326436628 \h 3 HYPERLINK \l _Toc3264366291.2国内外研究现状 PAGEREF _Toc326436629 \h 3 HYPERLINK \l _Toc3264366301.3研究思路 PAGEREF _Toc326436630 \h 3 HYP


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