新视野大学英语读写教程(第二版)第四册 unit 7 section a research into population genetics.ppt

新视野大学英语读写教程(第二版)第四册 unit 7 section a research into population genetics.ppt

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To Section B The End of Section A * * 2. discount vt. think or say that sth. is not important 他说的许多话不可全信,他喜欢想象。 Much of what he says must be discounted; he likes imagining. Translation Key Words and Expressions—Word Using 2. discount n. a reduction in the usual price of something 一些剧院的戏票,学生可以打八五折。 Students get a 15% discount on some theatre tickets. Translation Key Words and Expressions—Word Using 3. bias n. an unfair and unreasonable opinion or feeling 许多妇女在工作场合仍遭受根深蒂固的偏见。 Many women still encounter deep-seated bias in the workplace. Words and Expressions—Word Using Translation Key 4. be confined to be kept within certain limits 旅游团只能进行计划内的活动。 The tour group is confined to the planned activities. Translation Key Words and Expressions—Word Using 5. in effect in fact 似乎他们以为修一条新路会解决这个交通问题,事实上,情况将更糟糕。 They seem to think that building a new road will solve the traffic problem, but it will make it worse. Translation Key Words and Expressions—Word Using 6. adapt to try to deal successfully with a new situation According to your experience, how to adapt to college life? being open-minded… turning to teachers for help trying to making friends Use It Tips Words and Expressions—Word Using 7. in combination with together with 她采用利诱和威胁并用的方法,获得了成功。 By using persuasion in combination with threats, she achieved success. Translation Key Words and Expressions—Word Using 调查报告将有助于解开这个疑团。 The investigation report will shed light on the mystery. 8. shed light on make something easier to understand Words and Expressions—Word Using Translation Key 9. be descended from be related to someone who lived long ago 达尔文指出人类是从动物演变而来的。 Darwin pointed out that human beings are descended from animals. Translation Key Words and Expressions—Word Using 10. distinctive adj. having a quality or characteristic that make sth. different and easily noticed 他走路的样子与众不同。 房间里有一种特殊的气味。


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