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治疗 Treatment 1、针灸 Acupuncture and moxibustion 2、拔罐 Cupping 3、中频 Intermediate frequency therapy apparatus 4、超声 Ultrasound 5、TDP Specific electromagnetic spectrum 6、牵引 Traction 资料可以编辑修改使用 资料来源网络,如有侵权联系删除,不负法律责任谢谢 感谢您的观看和下载 资料仅供参考,实际情况实际分析 针灸 Acupuncture and moxibustion 处方:以局部取穴为主 Prescription: Select points on the local as main points 主穴:大椎 天柱 后溪 颈夹脊 阿是穴 Main points: Jiaji in the neck(EX)、Dazhui(DU-14)、Tianzhu(BL- 10)、 Houxi(SI-3)、Ashipoints 辩证加减 Modification with various syndromes 风寒痹阻:加风门、风府祛风通络 Obstruction by the wind and cold: add Fengmen(BL-12)、Fengfu(DU-16) to dispel wind and remove obstruction in the collaterals 劳伤血瘀:膈俞、合谷、太冲活血化瘀、通络止痛 Overstrain and blood stasis: add Geshu(BL-17)、Hegu(LI-4)、Taichong(LR-3) to promote blood circulation to remove blood stasis 肝肾亏虚:肝俞、肾俞、足三里补益肝肾、生血养筋 Deficiency of the liver and kidney: add Ganshu (BL-18) 、Shenshu(BL-23)、Zusanli(ST-36) to invigorate the liver and kidney 针刺作用 The function of Acupuncture 1、针刺可以改善腰椎间盘局部的血液循环、促进新陈代谢; Improve local blood circulation of the lumbar intervertebral disc, promote the process of metabolism. 2、消除神经根的炎症、水肿,松解粘连,改善突出物与神经根的关系。 Elimination inflammation、 edema of nerve root , lysis of adhesions, improve the relationship between highlight and nerve root. 拔罐Cupping 作用:疏通气血,消除瘀滞,温通经络,祛湿驱风,散寒活血,舒筋止痛 Function:Promoting blood circulation to remove blood stasis, expelling wind and cold,removing obstruction in the collaterals to relieve pain. 机制 Mechanism 1、机械性刺激作用:治疗时,由于罐内形成负压,可使局部毛细血管充血,红细胞破裂形成自身溶血现象,表皮呈现淤血。由于类组胺物质产生,刺激各器官增强其功能活动,提高机体抵抗力。负压的机械刺激通过反射途径传达到中枢神经系统,调节神经活动。 1、Mechanical stimulation:During the treatment, due to the formation of negative-pressure in the cup, can make local capillary congestion, erythroid burst-forming autoimmune hemolytic phenomenon, the epidermis presents congestion. Due to class of histamine substance produce, stimulation of various organs to strengthen its function, improve the body resi


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