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Unit 5 Patent and Trade Mark After learning this section, you should be able to: Learn the definition of “Patent”; Understand the patent application Understand the definition of trademark Know the purpose and the loss of trademark Understand the difference of a trademark and service mark. Understand the use of trademark symbols LEADING-IN The principal types of intellectual property are patents, copyrights, and trademarks. Patent law protects inventions that demonstrate technological progress. Read the text and answer the following questions: What’s a patent? How many types of patents are there? How many parts does a patent application contain? What are they? What is an international application? How many parts does an international application contain? Study the text in detailed) 1. patent is an official record of specific rights awarded to an individual or group专利是授予个人或集体特殊权利的官方记载。 2. a specified time一段限定的时间。 3. licensing agreements特许协议。 4. reciprocal arrangements exist to which most countries subscribe,though the international convention for the protection of industrial property通过《保护工业产权的国际公约》(即保护工业产权的(巴黎公约)),大多数国家均 可享有互惠措施。 5. patent application专利申请书。 6. legal-technical communication or report合法的技术信息交流或报告。 7. a specification(申请专利用)说明书。 8. set forth the best mode contemplated by the inventor提供由发明人设想的最佳式样。 9. a drawing is usually supplied in a mechanical or electricalapparatus application. 通常在申请机械或电气设备专利时提供图样。 10. A drawing comprising a flow chart. 由流程图组成的图样。 10. A drawing comprising a flow chart. 由流程图组成的图样。 11.Generally,the patent lawyer will direct the preparation of the drawings by a patent draftsman familiar with the drawing formality requirements of the U. S. Patent Office 一般来讲,专利律师将指导由熟悉美国专利局绘图程序要求的专利绘图员绘制图样。 12. to illustrate the patentable features of the invention. 说明该项发明所具备的申请专利的特点。 13. in the specification following a brief description of what each figure shows 在有关每一插图的简短描述后的说明里。 14. An oath or declaration by the inventor(s)containing c


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