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1.construct vt. 1)建设,修建 ①The Golden Gate Bridge was constructed in 1933—1937. 金门桥建于1933至1937年间。 ②It took them two years to construct the building. 他们用了两年时间建这座大楼。 2)创立(学说等),构(词),造句 ①He constructed a theory with his colleagues. 他与他的同事合作创立了一种学说。 ②I have not hesitated to construct arguments in its support. 我毫不踌躇地构思一些支持它的论据。 知识拓展 construction n. 1)[U]建筑,建造,施工 Work has been done on the construction of the new airport. 新机场的修建已经开始。 2)[U]建造(或构造)的方式 The hotel is of foreign style in construction. 那家旅社在建筑上有外国风格。 3)[C]建造物,构筑物,制成物 The building is a construction of wood. 这是木质结构的建筑。 活学活用 Its dangerous to get close to the building________. A.under construction     B.built C.been built D.constructing 答案:A 2.contribute v. 1)~(sth.)(to/towards sth.)捐献、捐赠(尤指款或物),捐助 ①The writer personally contributed $50,000 to the earthquake fund. 那位作家亲自捐赠了五万美元给地震基金。 ②Would you like to contribute to our collection? 你愿意给我们的募捐捐款吗? 2)~(to sth.)是……的原因之一 ①Medical negligence was said to have contributed to her death. 据说医务人员的玩忽职守是她死亡的原因之一。 ②Does smoking contribute to lung cancer? 吸烟会导致肺癌吗? 3)~(sth.)to sth.增加,增进,添加(到某物) Her work has contributed enormously to our understanding of this difficult subject. 她的工作极有助于我们对这个困难问题的了解。 4)~(sth.)(to sth.)(为报纸、杂志、电台或电视节目)撰稿,投稿 She has contributed (several poems) to literary magazines. 她给文学刊物投了(几首诗)稿。 知识拓展 1)contribution n. ①[C]捐款;捐资 All contributions will be gratefully received. 我们对所有捐资表示感谢。 ②[C, usually sing.]贡献;促成作用 These measures would make a valuable contribution towards reducing industrial accidents. 这些措施将会对减少工业事故起重要作用。 ③[U]捐助;捐赠;(尤指)捐款 We rely entirely on voluntary contribution. 我们全靠自愿捐款。 2)contributor n. ①(杂志或书的)撰稿人,投稿人,(电台、电视节目中的)嘉宾,(会议的)发言人 Mr. Smith is a regular contributor to China Daily. 史密斯先生是《中国日报》的一位普通的撰稿人。 ②捐款人,捐助人,捐赠者,作出贡献者 Older people are important contributors to the economy. 老一辈人为发展经济作出了重要贡献。 活学活用 ①Eating too much fat can________ heart disease and high blood pressure. A.relate to B.contribute to C.attend to D.devote to ②The signing of suc


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