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Leadership Fundamentals – 1 day version 领导力基础课程 – 一日版(2014);;Differentiate Management and Leadership 区分管理能力与领导力之间的差异 Gain critical knowledge and self-awareness to be a successful leader 获得成为一个成功领导者的必备知识和自我认知能力 Distinguish style preferences to be more effective 能够适应不同的风格,实现更高效率 Identify appropriate leadership behaviours in different situations to be more effective 在不同情况下能够采取适合的领导行为,以实现更高效率;;Source: McKinsey’s War for Talent 2000 survey of 6,500 senior mid-level managers at 35 large US companies 来源:麦肯锡2000年人才之战调查,对象是35家大型美国公司的6,500名高级和中层经理人;;;Leadership Fundamentals (2 days) 领导力的基本原理 (2 天);;;“The only true leader is someone who has followers. An effective leader is not someone who is loved or admired. He or she is someone whose followers do the right thing. Popularity is not leadership. Results are.” “真正的领导者拥有自己的追随者。 一个高效的领导者未必众人皆爱。 其追随者都以正确的方式工作。 受人欢迎并不是领导力。成效才是。” - Peter Drucker 彼得 .德鲁克;;What happened? What feelings did you experience at the beginning, middle, end? 发生了什么事?在开始、中间和最后,你体验到了怎样的感觉? 2. Was there a leader? Why do you think so? 当时有没有一个领导者?为什么? 3. What can you learn from this experience? 从中你能学到什么?;The root of the word management is “manas” -- meaning hands. 英语管理(management)一词的词根是 “mana”,本意是双手。 Managing is… to accomplish, to be in charge of or responsible for, to conduct. 管理是指……完成、负责、执行。 It involves the process of setting and achieving the goals through the planning, organizing, directing and controlling. 管理包括通过计划、组织、指挥和控制来设定和实现目标的流程。;The root of the word leadership is “lead” -- meaning to go, to guide. 英语领导力(leadership)一词的词根是 “lead”, 本意是通向、引导。 Leading is… influencing, guiding in direction, action, or opinion. 领导是指……在方向、行动或意见上给予影响、指导 It involves inspiring others to follow, creating goodwill and supporting others. Leaders achieve things that could not have been done without them. 领导包括激励他人追随、建立友好关系和对他人提供支持。领导者所完成的事情,缺少他们便无法成功。;Management Versus Leadership 管理与领导;;;;A leader knows the keys for inspiring and influencing team mem


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