职高英语基础模块 unit 5 Food.pptVIP

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Review of Unit 4 It is a long bread with a hot sausage in it. Homework Page 38 :exercises Recite the new words and expressions THANK YOU! 英语教研组 高一机电①班 (Cathy) on time leave for in great joy too...to... 早饭 午饭 晚饭 盼望... Lets guess: It is very popular during the Spring Festival, with meat and vegetables in it 蔬菜 肉 dumplings What’s it? hot dog 香肠 Potato chip cola hamburger milk pizza Whats your favorite food? People in different countries have their different favorite food. Englishmen like to eat fish and chips. Americans like to eat hot dogs and fried chicken. Italians like to eat pizza. Japanese like to eat fish and the fish is sometimes not cooked. 不同国家的人们喜欢不同的食物。英国人喜欢吃鱼和薯条。美国人喜欢吃热狗和炸鸡。意大利人喜欢吃比萨。日本人喜欢吃鱼,有的时候是生鱼。 Reading—Favorite food Hot dog Fried chickens fish chips pizza dumplings fish(sometimes not cooked) Englishmen Italians Americans Japanese People in north of China Favorite Food Read and match In the north of China, the most popular food is dumplings. People usually eat dumplings on important festivals or on weekends, especially on the Spring Festival and New Year’s Day. All the family members come back home and make dumplings together. They think the family getting together is important during a festival. 在中国的北方,最受欢迎的食物是饺子。人们通常在重要的节日或周末,尤其是在春节和新年的时候吃饺子。所有的家庭成员都回家,一起包饺子。他们认为在节日期间家人团聚是很重要的。 Sometimes young couples don’t want to make dumplings by themselves. They go to restaurants and order the kinds of dumplings they like. They eat them there or take them home. Ordering food from a restaurant is a way to save time. 有时,年轻的夫妇不想自己包饺子,他们就到餐馆点他们喜欢的那几种饺子。他们在那儿吃或者带回家吃。餐馆点餐是节省时间的一种方式。 Some kinds of American food have become more and more popular in China. Children like ice cream, hamburgers and potato chips. They like going to KFC or McDonald’s. Some parents say, “We go there with our children. They can play and eat fast food there, but we have to tell our children not to eat too much fast food.” In fact, it is not good for you


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