The Role of Public Speaking in Chinas English-Language :在中国的英语公共演讲的作用.ppt

The Role of Public Speaking in Chinas English-Language :在中国的英语公共演讲的作用.ppt

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Is there a permanent place for public speaking in the English-language curriculum at Chinese universities? Bidding for the Olympic Games Entrance to the World Trade Organization What is the relationship between a public speaking course and courses in oral English? Technical Competence in Oral English Vocabulary Grammar Syntax Usage Pronunciation Accent Public Speaking More than technical proficiency Act of communication Strategic communication Use of English as a working language Situations Requiring English as a Working Language Formal public speeches Informal speeches Negotiations and small-group communication One-on-one communication Where does a course in public speaking fit in the English-language curriculum? What are the primary topics to be covered in a public speaking course? Content Structure Language Delivery Content Informative: Convey information to audience Persuasive: Change beliefs or actions of audience Content Main points Supporting materials Content in “The Great Wall of China” Structure Introduction Body Conclusion Importance of Structure Speech unfolds over time As with a film, a speech must make sense to the audience as it develops across time Structure in “The Great Wall of China” Language Accuracy Clarity Vividness Language in “The Great Wall of China” Delivery Speaker’s Voice Rate (Speed) Volume Vocal variety Bodily Action Gestures Eye contact Use of visual aids (PPT) Visual Aids/PPT Enhance speaker’s ideas Prepare carefully: clear and professional Present effectively: integrate with speaker’s presentation Delivery in “The Great Wall of China” Stagefright: Qie Chang Creativity What is the most effective method of instruction in public speaking? Ideal Method of Instruction Small classes Chance to develop skills Experiential and active learning Consultation time for instructor Teaching Public Speaking in a Large Class Rely on lecture rather than discussion Fewer speaking opportunities Break class into sm


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