Parallel Processing with OpenMP课件.ppt

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Copyin Example - Fortran real, parameter :: nvals = 501 real, dimension(nvals) :: x, y, xmet, ymet common /work1/ work(nvals), istart, iend !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(/work1/) istart = 2; iend = 500 call read_coords(x,y) !$OMP PARALLEL SECTIONS COPYIN(istart,iend) !$OMP SECTION call metric(x) xmet = work !$OMP SECTION call metric(y) ymet = work !$OMP END PARALLEL SECTIONS subroutine metric(c) real, dimension(:) :: c common /work1/ work(nvals), istart, iend !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(/work1/) do i = istart, iend work(i) = 0.5*(c(i+1)-c(i-1)) enddo end subroutine metric 精品文档 Similar to critical Allows greater optimization than critical Applies to single line following the atomic directive Atomic 精品文档 Atomic Example - Fortran do i = 1, 10 !$OMP ATOMIC x(j(i)) = x(j(i)) + 1.0 enddo 精品文档 Atomic Example - C for(i = 0; i10; i++){ #pragma omp atomic x[j[i]]= x[j[i]] + 1.0; } 精品文档 Exercise (cont’d) When run completes, look at profile pgprof –exe gt Where is most time being used? How can we tackle this with OpenMP? Recompile without profiler flag Re-run and note timing from batch output file this is the base timing We will decide on an OpenMP strategy Add OpenMP directive(s) Re-run on 1, 2, and 4 procs. and check new timings 精品文档 Parallel parallel and do/for can be separated into two directives. is the same as !$omp parallel do do i = 1, maxi a(i) = b(i) enddo #pragma omp parallel for for(i=0; imaxi; i++){ a[i] = b[i]; } !$omp parallel !$omp do do i = 1, maxi a(i) = b(i) enddo !$omp end parallel #pragma omp parallel #pragma omp for for(i=0; imaxi; i++){ a[i] = b[i]; } #pragma omp end parallel 精品文档 Parallel (cont’d) Note that an end parallel directive is required. Everything within the parallel region will be run in parallel (surprise!). The do/for directive indicates that the loop indices will be distributed among threads rather than duplicating every index on every thread. 精品文档 Parallel (3) Multiple loops in parallel r


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