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Reference Neat Flash animation on vectors Ocean, bottle, current /newkin/html/position_velocity_ship.htm /newkin/html/position_velocity_ship.htm 精品文档 Kinematics For linked/jointed structures, calculating the position of the end-point, given the position/angle of each joint. Easy (easier) problem 精品文档 Inverse kinematics Given jointed/linked structure, what are positions of joints/angles to make endpoint be at a given point? May be no answer or multiple answers Easy for IBM Box frame robot: links were not coupled. For articulated mechanisms, various approaches, often requiring iterative techniques. 精品文档 Challenge: mapping Program the robot to provide map of the room More precisely, provide coordinates of positions of walls/barriers/lines (points) (think about connecting points later) Upload using Mindstorms to Desktop. HTML5 program draws points. (Later) send file (single position is 2 numbers) to other robot using Bluetooth (Later) automatically upload file to computer 精品文档 HTML5 JavaScript reads in whole file HTML5 file API. More general / more features than used for this example. Note: asynchronous action. Set up function for the event of indicating the file AND set up function for the event of reading in the text data. program detects line breaks program converts from text to number draws on canvas blue dot is the center red dots are calculated positions Note: draws based on standard, not upside down!, coordinates. 精品文档 testpairs.txt file 0 50 20 60 120 35 200 60 300 40 精品文档 精品文档 HTML5 program drawing positions /jeanine.meyer/robotics/mapdata.html Works in Firefox Two sample files: textpairs.txt textpairs3.txt 精品文档 HTML5 functions init readInData receivedText drawpositions drawdot 精品文档 HTML5 outline html headscript…./script/head body onload=init(); Name the file: input type=file id=fileinput / canvas id=canvas width=900 height=600 The browser does not recognize canvas. /canvas /body /html 精品文档 Robotics Coordinates, position, orientation kinematics. HT


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