The Falling and Rebirth of 眷村课件.ppt

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The Falling and Rebirth of 眷村 Group Members: Amber, Judy Yang, Lois, Michael and Tiffany 精品文档 Outline Introduction (Tiffany) Body a. Space and The Interrelations (Michael) b. Types of People in 眷村 (Amber) c. Historical Reconstruction and Community Reconstruction (Judy Lois) Conclusion (Tiffany) 精品文档 Introduction History of 眷村 1. After the Anti-Japanese War in 1945, the political upheavals in Mainland China caused the rampant corruption in government and the accompanying political and economic chaos. 2. The KMT government retreated to Taiwan with 2 millions of people from Mainland China including around 1 million and 20 thousands soldiers and their families. 3. The government settled them in Japanese barracks or schools, temples, dorms on farms and cowsheds. 4. Later in 1950s to1960s, the government instituted a settlement policy for the soldiers. 精品文档 Features of 眷村 1. Strong patriotic fervour, undivided loyalty toward the country-live with the country, die with the country. 2. They form a strong unity but are isolated from the outside world. 3. Hierarchy- the superior and the subordinate, the command and obedience, deeply-rooted ethical concepts. 4. Most of the second generation join the army to serve the country. 5. People there are like a big family. 精品文档 Texts Used: 朱天心<想我眷村的兄弟們>/ 相聲瓦舍 馮翊綱、宋少卿<戰國廁>/ 表演工作坊 李立群、金士傑 <國與家> 精品文档 1. 朱天心<想我眷村的兄弟們> -- a collection of six short stories, published in 1992. Six protagonists in novels represent those easily ignored figures at the edge of the society. -- <想我眷村的兄弟們>. The narrator talks to the readers (“you”) in a third-person perspective every details in 眷村 from the time “she” was a child to the adulthood. The ambiguity and conflicts in her pervade the novel. She knows that she should leave 眷村 but still recalls everything unforgettable there. And also, it is hard for her to find a clear identity in Taiwan. 精品文档 2. 相聲瓦舍 馮翊綱、宋少卿<戰國廁> in November, 2002 馮翊


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