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* * 行云流水了无痕 — 浅谈初中英语词汇教学的技巧 Without grammar, very little can be conveyed; without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed. 没有语法,人们可以表达的事物寥寥无几; 而没有词汇,人们则无法表达任何事物。 D. A. Wilkins 威尔金斯 “3D s” Pre- teaching Definition 定义 词 word 、 lexis: 1) 词形特征 外形轮廓、长度和拼写规则等 Ex. Smiles, level 2) 语法特征 I saw ice in the lake. 3) 稳定性 friendship 4) 独立使用特征 Do you think it will turn out to be fine tomorrow? Hopefully. / Sure! / Definitely. 词具有声音,可用于口语和书面表达; 词能独立、自由使用; 词具备完整的意义,是语言的最小单位。 词汇 vocabulary 、 lexicon: 1 N-VAR often with poss Your vocabulary is the total number of words you know in a particular language. His speech is immature, his vocabulary limited... 2 N-SING The vocabulary of a language is all the words in it. ...a new word in the German vocabulary. 3 N-VAR with supp The vocabulary of a subject is the group of words that are typically used when discussing it. ...the vocabulary of natural science. Collins COBUILD Dictionary 2006 词汇量 词汇 专有词汇 Speaking vocabulary Writing vocabulary Reading vocabulary Guessing vocabulary. active vocabulary passive vocabulary 词汇的分类 Classification 词汇量: 五级:1500-1600单词; 200-300习惯用语、搭配 《新课标》2001 Vocabulary size of native speakers: Age: 5.5yrs : 1528 Age: 13.9 yrs : 10,660 汪榕培等 《英语词汇学》2008 上海外语教育出版社 词汇量 Vocabulary Development 发展 The Origin of the English language The Buzzwords of 2009 “English Digest”, 2010 February Birther A person who believes that Barack Obama was not born in the United States and therefore can’t be president. Chimerica: The intertwined economies of China and the U. S. which together


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