Reality Therapy课件.ppt

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Reality Therapy Glasser’s Control theory Eight Steps Build a good relationship Examine the current behavior Evaluate behavior-helpful or not? Brainstorm alternatives Commit to new plan Evaluate results-no punish/excuses Accept logical natural consequences Don’t get discouraged Therapy process Five helpful questions What are you doing? Is it helping you get what you want? If not, what might be some other things you could try? Which idea would you like to try first? When would you like to start? Questions for young children What did you do? What is our rule about this? Was what you did against the rule? What were you supposed to do? What are you going to do next time? Do you want to write your plan for next time, or do you want me to write it? Brief counseling and Reality Therapy common components working alliance/collaboration identify strengths active counseling techniques: role play, homework, confrontation, reframing clear, concrete, measurable goals 10 Step Consultation What have you tried that does not work? Stop these! Do the unexpected Brainstorm what you could do that might help the child have a better day, i.e. give choices, ask for child’s opinion, place them in helper role. Phase I Try one line approaches Ask child to stop undesirable behavior Try “could it be” questions-goal disclosure Acknowledge cooperative behavior w/o thanking child for responsible behavior Phase II Emphasize rules agreed to previously What did you do? What was our rule? What were you supposed to do? What will you do? Phase II Use written contract or handshake What did you do? How did it help you? What could you do that would help you? What will you do? Phase III--4 Steps In class time-out Quiet corner--make a plan to return to group Out of class time-out Make a plan to return to class Out of school time-out Rest of the day Juvenile court visit, and referral to community agency if behavior does not change Person Centered Counseling Five basic techniques Unconditional positive


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