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农学学报 JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURE ·53 · 中华绒螯蟹‘长江一号’生长性能比较研究 朱清顺,柏如发,邓燕飞 (江苏省淡水水产研究所,南京210017 ) 摘 要:为了测试选育中华绒螯蟹‘长江一号’的生长性能,于2009—2010 年通过在相同养殖环境、相同 饲养管理、相同养殖密度的条件下,采用现实生产中先进的中华绒螯蟹生态养殖技术主导模式,进行‘长 江一号’中华绒螯蟹生产性对比养殖试验。结果表明,1龄蟹种培育的平均规格、存活率,选育系与对照 系无显著差异;性早熟比例,选育系分比对照系降低5% ;2 龄成蟹养殖,‘长江一号’选育系比对照系生 长快,平均体重增长快21.64% ,呈极其显著差异(P0.01) ,单产平均提高21.22% 。选育系的平均日增重 率比对照组提高了22.73% ,平均体重变异系数比对照组降低19.14% 。连续2 周年的生产性对比试验结 果表明,中华绒螯蟹‘长江一号’生长快、群体规格整齐、养殖存活率高、增产效果明显,深受广大养殖户 的欢迎,市场应用和产业化前景广阔。 关键词:中华绒螯蟹;‘长江一号’;生长性能;变异系数 中图分类号:S966.16 文献标志码:A 论文编号:2011-0603 Comparison on Growth Performance of Crab (Eriocheir sinensis) Strain Chang Jiang 1 Zhu Qingshun, Bai Rufa, Deng Yanfei (Freshwater Fisheries Research Institute of Jiangsu Province, Nanjing 210017, Jiangsu, China) Abstract: Several experiments had been conducted to study the growth performance between the new Erocheir sinensis strain Chang Jiang 1 and the common crab under the conditions of the same culture environment, the same feeding management, and the same stocking density. It was found that insignificant differences in the average size and the survival rate were found between the Chang Jiang 1 and the common crab at the age of one year. The proportion of precocious puberty of Chang Jiang 1 was reduced by 5%, as compared to the common crab. The growth was faster for the Chang Jiang 1 than for the common crab at the age of two years. Meanwhile, its average liveweight was increased by 21.64%, such difference reached an extremely significant level, and its yield was increased by 21.22% . The dail


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