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摘要 PAGE PAGE II 江西农产品营销问题研究 摘要 发展农业经济,推进农村改革发展,切实解决“三农”难题,不仅要调整农业产业结构,搞好农业生产,也要重视和加强农产品营销,充分发挥政府在农产品营销中的作用,制定科学有效的营销策略,切实解决农产品营销中存在的问题。 江西是农业比重较大的省份,2009年农业产值占全省生产总值的比重为28.1%。当前,我省要通过大力发展优势农产品,推动现代化农业的发展,有效地增加农产品的竞争力。 笔者准备从细致的操作层面而非泛泛的理论层面,通过对目前江西省、国内外农产品的营销现状、问题进行对比及分析,结合市场变化趋势,通过分析农产品营销中存在的主要问题,提出农产品营销的营销策略组合,拿出可行性强并具有一定前瞻性的江西农产品营销策略,以供政府、农户,尤其是企业参考借鉴。 关键词:江西;农产品;营销;策略 Abstract Jiangxi province agricultural products marketing study report Abstract Developing the agricultural economy, rural reform and development, to solve the issues concerning agriculture, countryside and farmers, not only to adjust the agricultural structure, improve agricultural production, should also attach importance to and strengthen the marketing of agricultural products, give full play to the governments role in the marketing of agricultural products, development of scientific and effective marketing strategy, effectively solve problems in agricultural marketing. Large proportion of agriculture in Jiangxi province, in 2009 agricultural output accounted for the provinces GDP accounted for 28.1%. At present, our province to develop competitive agricultural products by promoting the development of modern agriculture, effectively increasing the competitiveness of agricultural products. I prepared detailed operational level rather than from the general theoretical level, through the marketing of agricultural products at home and abroad compared the current situation and analysis, combined with the analysis of market trends, come up with feasible and has a strong forward-looking agricultural Jiangxi marketing strategy for the government, farmers, in particular, for reference to the enterprise. Key word:jiangxi;agricultural products;, marketing strategies 目录 PAGE 18 目录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc263757491 摘要 PAGEREF _Toc263757491 \h I HYPERLINK \l _Toc263757492 Abstract PAGEREF _Toc263757492 \h II HYPERLINK \l _Toc263757493 第一章 农产品的营销内涵及特征 PAGEREF _Toc263757493 \h 1 HYPERLI


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