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FALL PROTECTION Presentation 坠落保护 Bacou-Dalloz fall protection division Usa / America美国 Miller the most popular brand for construction and industry Miller 在建筑和工业领域是使用最广泛的品牌 S?LL widely used in the off-shore industry, recognised as the best fall arrest system S?LL广泛应用在海上作业,已经被认可为最好的坠落制动系统 Europe欧洲 Komet market leader in power supply and telecommunication sector Komet是电力供应和电信行业坠落保护的领导者 S?ll leader in vertical fall protection system for telecommunication & industry S?ll是电信和工业领域垂直坠落保护系统的领导者 Troll recognised as the high access and rescue specialist Troll品牌已被高空攀登和援救专家认可 Asia亚洲 Miller widely use in the construction and power supply industry Miller品牌产品已广泛应用在建筑和电力供应行业 Troll products used by several rescue & civil defence team Troll产品应用于许多救援和城市防卫队 Bacou-Dalloz fall protection division 4 brands for a total fall protection solution 坠落保护全面解决方案的四个品牌 Introduction to fall protection 坠落保护介绍 D e f i n i t i o n 定义 What is fall protection ? 什么是坠落保护 Fall Protection = Prevention 坠落保护 = 预防 A good fall protection starts with good fall prevention. To prevent a worker to fall from height, three kinds of prevention should be considered: 完善的坠落保护始于完善的坠落预防. 为了防止工人从高处坠落, 以下三种防护应当被考虑: Organise work in order to limit the operation in height position (do the maximum of the work on the ground; 对工作进行安排以减少高空作业(最大化的地面工作) 3 ways to protect from falling 防止坠落的三种方法 1) Restraint 工作区域限制 3 ways to protect from falling 防止坠落的三种方法 2) Work Position 工作位置 3 ways to protect from falling 防止坠落的三种方法 3) Fall Arrest 坠落制动 The fall protection protection system 坠落保护系统 The Fall Protection system 坠落保护系统 The anchoring point 悬挂点 its role is to limit the free fall of the worker. It should be chosen in accordance with the type of work to do: a life line that is not adapted can be hazardous. 安全绳的作用是限制工人自由坠落。安全绳的选择应根据工作类型来决定:不配套的安全绳是非常危险的。 To be efficient, the lifeline must be as vertical as possible and always slightly tightened. Keep the lifeline away from all objects that could damage it. 安全绳应可能地垂


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