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青岛理工大学琴岛学院 Qingdao Technological University 论文题目:青岛市黄岛区物流业发展战略分析 本科毕业论文 培养院系:琴岛学院 经贸系 专 业:国际经济与贸易 论文作者:薛凯 学 号:20070501055 指导教师:赵玲玲 2011年4月 摘 要 随着近几年我国物流业的迅猛发展,物流业已成为国民经济发展的重要产业和新的经济增长点。作为青岛市对外开放最早的重点区域,黄岛区通过充分发挥国家级开发区的特殊优势和自身的资源优势,对外经济得到了迅猛发展,这使得开发区外向推动为主的产业结构更趋明显。物流业在黄岛区经济不断发展的过程中,起到了愈发重要的作用,与此同时,面对日益更新的市场形势,黄岛区物流业也面临着诸多机会与挑战。因此本文以黄岛区物流业作为研究方向阐述黄岛物流行业在黄岛区经济发展中的地位、影响以及它所面临的问题和对应策略。文章从第二章节开始,分析黄岛区物流企业以及港口物流的发展现状;第三章节和第四章节为本文重点内容,从黄岛区物流业自身以及与发达地区物流业水平差距两方面综合分析黄岛区物流业面临的问题,同时,从地理以及经济等方面对黄岛无物流业发展环境进行了分析;第五章从多方面提出了推进黄岛区物流业发展的对策,并在最后总结了本文主旨。 关键词:物流业,对外贸易,港口物流,SWOT分析 ABSTRACT Logistics is playing the basic supporting role in national economy.Chinese logistics is developing very fast in recent years and has been a very important part of Chinese national economy and as a new economic growth point. As the first main area of the opening-up in Qingdao, Huangdao zone made a very good use of the special vantage as a national develop zone and the dominant resources of itself. This made Huangdao’s industrial structure whose emphasis is outward promotion becoming more and more distinct. Nowadays, logistics play a more and more important role in the development of Huangdao, but as the same time, facing the change of the market situation, there are also many challenges waiting for it. Therefore, this paper gives one point of view for the research. It is based on the policy and the position and the impact on foreign trade of the China logistics. On the basis of explaining the reality of Huangdao’s logistics, it will find the correct solution to the problem in it. The second chapter tells us the current situation of the logistics company and port logistics in Huangdao;the third and the forth chapter,as the important one, on analysis of Huangdao’s logistics and its disparity between the developed areas,gives us problems in logistics of Huangdao,and in this chapter,there’s also an analysis of the eviroment of Huangdao’s logistics industry;in the fifth chapter,it gives us some so


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