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The Future of Nuclear Energy in a Carbon-Constrained World AN INTERDISCIPLINARY MIT STUDY The Future of Nuclear Energy in a Carbon-Constrained World AN INTERDISCIPLINARY MIT STUDY Other Reports in the MIT Future of Series: The Future of Nuclear Power (2003) The Future of Geothermal Energy (2006) The Future of Coal (2007) Update of the Future of Nuclear Power (2009) The Future of Natural Gas (2011) The Future of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle (2011) The Future of the Electric Grid (2011) The Future of Solar Energy (2015) Copyright © 2018 Massachusetts Institute of Technology. All rights reserved. Cover art by Sara Ferry, Nuclear Science and Engineering, MIT. Study Participants STUDY CO-CHAIRS Jacopo Buongiorno, Co-Chair John Parsons, Co-Chair Associate Department Head and TEPCO Professor, Senior Lecturer, Sloan School of Management, MIT Department of Nuclear Science and David Petti, Executive Director Engineering, MIT Chief Scientist, Nuclear Science and Technology Michael Corradini, Co-Chair Directorate, Idaho National Laboratory; Visiting Professor Emeritus, Engineering Physics, University Research Scientist, MIT of Wisconsin-Madison STUDY GROUP Rasheed Auguste Jessica Lovering Undergraduate Student, Department of Nuclear Breakthrough Institute Science and Engineering, MIT Lucas Rush Patrick Champlin Master’s Student, Department of Nuclear Science Master’s Student, Department of Nuclear Science and Engine



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