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电子商务对国际贸易的影响 摘 要 在向信息经济世界的转变过程中,传统商务由于存在太多的弊端,已经不能胜任现时条件下的贸易环境。电子商务作为因特网技术发展日益成熟的直接结果,是未来商业发展的新方向。 电子商务,它不仅改变了企业本身的生产、经营、管理,而且对传统的贸易方式带来冲击。其最明显的标志就是增加了贸易机会、降低贸易成本、提高贸易效益。在带动经济结构变革的同时,对整个现代经济生活产生了巨大而且深远的影响。对此,中国作为经济正在发展的贸易大国,在电子商务的挑战之下,要同时面对其带来的压力和机遇,进行自我调整,以求跟上其快速变革的步伐。要大力发展电子商务,在今后的贸易竞争中占据主动,应拿出自己的举措,以赢得和发达国家站在同一起跑线上的机会。 关键词 电子商务;国际贸易;对策;影响。 Abstract To the information economy, the process of transforming the world, the traditional business because there are too many drawbacks, has not qualified under the present conditions, trade environment. E-commerce Internet technology as a direct result of the development of increasingly sophisticated and is a new direction for future business development. E-commerce, it not only changed the enterprises own production, operation, management, but also an impact on traditional ways of trading. Its most obvious sign of is the increase in trade opportunities, reduce trading costs and improve trade efficiency. Promote economic structural change in the same time, the whole of modern economic life has created an enormous and far-reaching impact. In this regard, Chinas economy is developing as a trading nation, the challenge in e-commerce under the same time to face the pressure and opportunities for self-adjustment in order to keep pace with its rapid pace of change. We must vigorously develop e-commerce, trade competition in the future to gain the initiative,Should take their own initiatives in order to win and developed countries on the same starting line opportunities. Keywords e-commerce; international trade; responses; impact. 1电子商务对国际贸易的影响 1.1 电子商务的内涵与特点 所谓电子商务(Electronic?Commerce)是利用计算机技术、网络技术和远程通信技术,实现整个商务(买卖)过程中的电子化、数字化和网络化。人们不再是面对面的、看着实实在在的货物、靠纸介质单据(包括现金)进行买卖交易。而是通过网络,通过网上琳琅满目的商品信息、完善的物流配送系统和方便安全的资金结算系统进行交易(买卖)。其内容包含两个方面,一是电子方式,二是商贸活动。其内容包含两个方面,一是电子方式,二是商贸活动,其中电子是手段,商务是目的。 电子商务是利用简单、快捷、低成本的电子通讯方式,买卖双方不谋面地进行各种商贸活动。 电子商务可以通过多种电子通讯方式来完成。简单的,比如你通过打电话或发传真的方式


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