New 新思维职业英语综合教程Thinking Vocational English unit 5.ppt

New 新思维职业英语综合教程Thinking Vocational English unit 5.ppt

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by the name of 名叫……的 make up 形成, 构成;弥补,补偿 rule out 把……排除在外,认为……不合适;阻止 Text Structure Notes Phrases and Expressions Notes 1. ...there is five times as much dark matter in the universe as there is normal matter, the stuff that makes up you, me, and the stars and planets we can see with our telescopes. ……宇宙中暗物质的数量是已知普通物质的五倍, 这些普通的物质构成了你、我,还有我们能用望远镜看到的恒星和行星。 本句中the stuff是normal matter的同位语,对normal matter作进一步的解释、说明。除名词可带同位语外,形容词、副词、动词、介词词组、分句等都可以带有自己的同位语。 e.g. 1) He became more greedy—more attentive to money. 他变得更为贪婪,更加在意金钱。 (形容词greedy带同位语) 2) A host or hostess is required to speak so—fluently and clearly. 要求主持人这样讲话:流畅而清晰。 (副词so带同位语) 3) The old lady always murmurs—speaks in a rapid, low voice. 这位老太太总是小声说话,用快而低的声音说。 (动词murmur带同位语) 4) Most visitors reach Scotland from the south, that is, from England. 大部分游客都从南部来到苏格兰, 即从英格兰来。 (介词词组from the south带同位语) 5) As long as you are optimistic, i.e., so long as you take everything positively, you will be successful. 只要你乐观,即只要你积极地看待每件事,你就会成功。 (as long as引导的条件从句带同位语) Text Structure Vocabulary Notes 2. It’s likely that the sun is many times too diffuse to stop a Q-ball.很可能由于太阳光线非常分散,从而不能阻挡住电荷球。 当从句在句中做主语时,为保持句子结构前后平衡,避免头重脚轻,常用it做形式主语置于句首,而将从句放在句尾;常用句型为:it+be+形容词/名词/过去分词+从句。此时it只起先行引导作用,本身无词义。 e.g. 1) It is uncertain who will come. 谁要来还不确定。 2) It is a pity that you didn’t go to see the film yesterday. 你昨天没看成那部电影真遗憾。 3) It is believed that China will become one of the strongest countries in the world. 大家都相信中国将会步入世界强国之列。 Text Structure Vocabulary Reading Comprehension ① 5 billion ② observation ③ dark matter ④ normal matter ⑤ particles ⑥ calculation ⑦ properties ⑧ Q-balls ⑨ roaming ⑩ diffuse II. F、F、T、F、T、F III. 1. It goes by the name of dark matter and it’s possibly made of supersymmetric particles. 2. One possibili


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