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代写:各专业专、本、硕、博毕业论文,职称论文;代发:省级、国家级、核心期刊、CSSCI来源核心期刊论文。QQ:757518360电话:010 PAGE PAGE 1 江苏省城乡居民收入差距的统计分析 摘要 改革开放以来,伴随着我国经济的增长,地处东部地区的江苏省经济呈现出快速发展趋势,城乡居民整体收入水平和消费水平不断提高,但是与此同时,伴随经济改革的深入,所有制形式的多元化,分配形式与城乡居民的收入渠道也呈现多元的趋势,城乡居民收入差距也在随之持续扩大。为探究江苏城乡居民收入差距的实际水平,本文基于1978、1980、1985及1990—2005年的统计数据,试图从城镇居民人均工资增长速度、农产品价格、城市化水平、产业结构调整、财政支农政策等方面来研究这段时期江苏经济政策调整,并分析这些因素可能对城乡差距产生的影响。 关键词 城乡收入差距 人均工资 农产品收购价格指数 财政政策 产业结构调整 城市化水平 The Statistical Analysis of the Gap Between Urban and Rural Citizen in Jiangsu Abstract Ever since the adoption of the reform and opening-up policy, China has been enjoying a sustained economic boom, so has been jiangsu province which situated at the eastern area. The overall income level and the consumption level enhance increasingly. But at the same time, following the economical reform going thoroughly, the multiplication of the system of ownership form and varialble tendencies of inhabitants income channel between urban and rural citizen , the income gap between urban and rural citizen has also been continuously enlarging. In order to inquire into the actual level of the income gap between urban and rural in Jiangsu, based on the statistical data among 1978, 1980, 1985 and 1990 - 2005, this paper attempts from the rising rate of citizens inhabitant average wages per person , farm price, urbanized level, industrial structure adjustment, financial supporting policy to agriculture and so on to study the economic policy adjustment among this time in Jiangsu and analyze the possible influences which these factors produces to the gap between urban and rural citizen . Key word the income gap between urban and rural citizen, average wages per person, agricultural products purchase price, financial policy, industrial structure adjustment , urbanization level 一、引言 从世界各国经济发展的经验看,城乡差距是传统经济向现代经济转变过程中必然会出现的一个社会问题,并且城乡差距有着自身的变动轨迹(即总体上的倒U 型特征)。但过大的城乡发展差距必然会带来一系列社会后果,如阻碍产业结构的升级换代、破坏城乡协调发展机制、加大城乡对立、增加社会不安定因素、加剧城乡经济之间的割裂状态,从而不利于经济结构的调整和“二元结构”的转化、不利于扩大内需、不利于政治稳定和改革的顺


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