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PAGE 人力资源开发研究 摘 要:当今世界经济的发展,经济一体化和全球化的趋势在不断地加强,世界各国的竞争也日趋激烈。我国在加入WTO后,面临的各种竞争也日趋激烈。要使我国面对今后的竞争而处于不败之地,在大力发展第二、第三产业的同时,更需要稳固农业在国民经济中的基础地位。同发达国家相比,我国的农业还相对落后,农业的基础地位相对薄弱,农村中仍然存在着许多问题,农民的收入水平不高。因此,必须加大改革力度,以便加速农村经济的发展。农村人力资源的开发,在很大程度上决定着农村经济发展速度和农民的收入水平,甚至决定着整个国民经济的发展潜力。而农村人力资源开发的关键则是农村剩余劳动力的转移。 关键词:人力资源开发 农村剩余劳动力 非农产业 技能培训 农村经济 The research of human resource development Abstract: It’s developing of economy in world nowadays , the economic integral whole turns with the trend that world turn at steadily enhance, the international community a competition is gradually vigorous. After joining WTO, every kind of competition of facing is gradually vigorous in our country. To make our country face the competition of the aftertime to be placed in the advantage position, in developing the second and the third industry strongly at the same time, even needing to firmness the foundation position by agriculture in the national economy. The agriculture of our country returns the opposite failing behind by the developed nation, and it is opposite weak of the agriculture foundation position, it’s still exsiting many problems in village, and the income level of the farmer is not high. Therefore, the enlargement reforms dint degree, in order to keep the economic development in village quickly. The development of the human resource in village, it’s deciding the speed of the economic development in village and the income level of the farmer in a large extent, even deciding the whole national economy development of potential. However, the key of the village human resource development is transferring the surplus labor force of village. Key words: human resource development surplus labor force of village not agriculture industry technical ability training economy of village 目 录 0 引言……………………………………………………………………………………1 1南丰人力资源开发的问题…………………………………………………………1 1.1 农村人口比重大,剩余劳动力现象严重……………………………………………1 1.2人力资源的素质普遍偏低…………………………………………………………2 1.3 农民在教育方面投资少,主动性差…………………………………………3 1.4人才


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