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Quick Team Building Games Team Building, Sales Exercise Icebreaker, Creativity Exercise Communication Exercise Icebreaker, Energiser Coin Logo * Suggesting times and dates Asking for suggestions Saying we are unavailable Using the present continuous for talking about fixed arrangements How about/ What about the following week? Shall we say 8 March? When would suit you? Did you have a time/place in mind? I’m afraid I’m busy then. I’m sorry but I can’t make it then. They’re working on another project until 12 February. Useful expressions for making arrangements 补充 听力 * Work in pairs (SB-P10) ② Student A: Look at the Activity sheet on P145 Student B: Look at the Activity sheet on P150 ③ Look at the ads for the team-building courses on SB-P10. Which of the courses would be the best for the Carmichael team? How would it benefit the five team members and the project? Speaking Practice * Homework Report Self-assessment Contents Items Team Building Games Speaking A Good Team Player 语音 文本 making arrangements 补充听力 Listening 3句翻译句子 答案 Translation P10 3 ads P15 Self-study 1a 答案 Reading * Bye ! Bye-bye! * Objectives You will be able to talk about teams and teamwork. practise reading for gist and specific information. make and change arrangements. Unit 1a Teamwork * Vocabulary Preparation Speaking---Assessing Teams Reading 1 “No longer Poles apart” Exercises Reading 2 “Arranging a course” Speaking Practice Unit 1a Teamwork * Vocabulary Preparation work towards a common objective share information different points of view (be) under pressure toiletries major brand sales department sales staff company culture expatriate management consultant managerial skills 朝同一个目标 共享信息 不同的观点 有压力 化妆品厂,清洁、化妆品公司 销售部门 销售人员 主导品牌 公司文化 旅居海外的(a.); 侨民(n.) 管理顾问 管理技能 * Vocabulary Preparation creative thinking team building effective management style a survival course food and accommodat


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